Los 10 mejores juegos basados en películas, libros, and so on.

Tom, Zee y Sam comparten sus diez juegos favoritos basados en IP, ya sea una película, libro, videojuego, and so on. !!
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jaws the board game
last friday? (friday the 13th ) or Dead of Winter? (dawn of dead/ walking dead)
The Thing???
They should reprint Queens Gambit. Would sell 5000 to 10,000 copies in a flash.
so batman game has the worst rulebook and it is still a good game and you tell people to lets just power through the rulebook cause its worth it, but for Hunt for the Ring you basically shit on the game because of the rulebook, nice one Sam
Arkham Horror: the expensive card game
Man this lists lately have become funnier. You guys are a trip 🙂
I couldn't disagree with LOTR Journeys more. There's no theme there Tom, nothing that matches the themes of the books at all.
Villainous, on the other hand, should've been much higher on your list. There are few games that mix the theme with mechanisms as well as Villainous does.
I can't believe that sons of anarchy isn't on any of these lists! It's a great game, and it's like $16
Great video! Licensed properties allow us a unique opportunity to create a fun and familiar gaming experience.
Thank you for featuring #Villainous among so many amazing games.
I wish I could get a good price on a newish copy of the Star Wars Queen's Gambit
To be fair Tom, how can you tell Zee that D.C. Deckbuilding Game has NO theme because you can play the exact same game with other characters and theme - while putting Dice Masters on your list? You could build any set of characters/story into a Dice Masters set/game. The play is the same.
I liked , Catan GoT, Villianous, Fury of Dracula, Lords of Waterdeep, and after Gen Con can add Horrified
Pilars Of The Earth.
Thumbs-up for Fury of Dracula!
Outer Rim I totally agree with replacing Firefly. It hits the same notes and is a better game and has a better IP.
I actually prefer the hockey deckbuilder to the dc one. I may be in the minority but the hockey theme seems better served by the game.
Best Mario Van Peebles is definitely New Jack City.
What's with the green shirts? All of you have them on! Even Sam has an undershirt that's green!
watching this while petting a cat huh... I guess I'm evil... 😈
Make a Top 10 Spin Off Games, where you only include games that are losely based on other games but quite different (no "the card game" or "the dice game", etc.). So Founders of Gloomhaven is in, but Istanbul the dice game isn't.
Dice tower live play of star wars rebellion!?
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