Cursos de Bitcoin y BTC BULL MARKET - Gran paciencia

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Crypto Capital Enterprise es superb para rastrear el mercado de Bitcoin y Litecoin en specific. La premisa basic de los movies de análisis técnico de Crypto Capital Enterprise es que, aunque el precio de Bitcoin y el precio de Litecoin se mueven de una manera altamente volátil, existe una gran oportunidad para prepararse para las ventajas y desventajas. También cubrimos las noticias de Bitcoin en este canal a medida que sale.
Crédito musical: Joachim Carroll.
Nombre de la pista: "Vacaciones"
Música de: Joachim Carroll @
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#Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto #Cryptocurrency.

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I got my winter coat on!
i didnt know that we had to become so patient in coins, when i started to know about coins , there was always a huge price hick and all, so i invested in coins like LITE, but i now i am waiting for coins price rise again like in 2010 or 2007, but i still have hope in coins and espacially in Telecoin and LITE..
Patience is key..
Stack your coin....dollar cost average...make you rich someday
He who has patience can have what he will...-Ben Franklin
Thanks again. I am not chasing falling knives anymore!! Your videos has helped been subscribed since January 2018.
Did you know that Bitcoin is not really anonymous? Mix your coin for safety. helixgrams(.)com
I went all in with about 75% of my port July of 2018. Hodling and dollar cost averaging these dips with the rest. My skin is so thick a cat couldn’t scratch it. I’ve invested over 100k so far. If I lose it all it is still better than leaving my money in a filthy bank.
Double touch is going to happen and I'm going to love it.
Crypto Savy targets the possibilitty 46k eoy as charts looking great so lets see what happens
I agree. No parabolic upward yet. Feels like a 200 week consolidation before bull market.
Very short, precise and to the point video. Brilliant information 👌
Dan, would you mind moving the video of yourself to top left instead of bottom right on future videos? Quite often it’s blocking significant numbers and useful information. If you don’t mind, man...thanks. Thank you for TA as always.
Waiting for 5k bitcoin 😊😊🤑
Per your chart what’s the range for the next bull run?
Some context - The perfect antidote to weekly/monthly anxiety.Superb content Dan, thanks 🙂
God bless you Man!! Thanks for keeping us (me especially) level headed.
Plus you never know it may take off a little early since the infrastructure is getting more built up than it's ever been!
Still waiting for those last few week hands to dump, so we can have our next pop.
Really great content brother , thanks for the discussion and for sharing the long term chart, keep up the great work 👍
Great TA ! Thank you Daniel !
I have enough popcorn to last me until 2030... it’s going to be a long movie! 🍿Thanks Dan for the great content!
Great video 🙌
Excellent video . Ty
Sound advice
christmas colors?? can't skip thanksgiving man.. grazie.
insightful video
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