¡Alcanza los $ 400,000 en la disaster financiera! El | Davincij15 y MMCrypto Bitcoin Value Prediction


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En este video, hablo con Davincij15 y MMCrypto sobre Bitcoin. Discutimos las previsiones de precios de bitcoin para la próxima disaster financiera. Davincij15 y MMCrypto creen que Bitcoin alcanzará entre $ 200,000 y $ 400,000. Ambos explican por qué Bitcoin ha alcanzado esta predicción alcista.


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    33 Comentarios recientes

  1. The Moon dice:

    ► Bybit Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dnIDz1NLuw
    ► Bybit $60 Bonus: https://www.bybit.com/app/register?ref=l2RA6
    Support Me Via Affiliate Links? 👇👇

    Davincij15: https://www.youtube.com/user/davincij15
    MMCrypto: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBkGMys0mYl3Myxh3CTsASA

    ► Bybit Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dnIDz1NLuw
    ► BitMEX Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFjedID1wnc

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    ► Bybit: https://www.bybit.com/app/register?ref=l2RA6

    BitMEX Leverage Trading With 10% Discount On Fees Via My Link:
    ► BitMEX 10% Off: https://www.bitmex.com/register/NJu3r0

    Protect your privacy with the VPN I use:
    ► NordVPN: http://bit.ly/MoonNordVPN
    Use code "themoon" for 75% off & 1 month free!!

    The charting program I use:
    ► Tradingview: https://tradingview.go2cloud.org/SH2gX

    Buy Over 400 Altcoins On Binance:
    ► Binance: https://www.binance.com/?ref=11069112

    I'm earning BAT tokens using the Brave Browser, try it here:
    ► Brave Browser: https://brave.com/the406

    [IMPORTANT] Secure your crypto with a Ledger hardware wallet:
    ► Ledger: https://www.ledger.com?r=f988

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    Follow me on social media:
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  2. Please give me bitcoin please
    Wallet address : 3Gdzf84eBbDitsupJ3fXatx6s9GSDb3G4w

  3. Mike Hawk dice:

    Man I love y’all just sitting around chopping it up
    real talk, Thanks fellas

  4. M Ho dice:

    If you like this video, then you should deffinilywashdisvideo... I love your videos ! Thanks

  5. J A dice:

    This was a very interesting video. Good job guys

  6. "BITCOIN cheap prices???..is at $10k dollars,not every one has that kind of $$ laying around kiddo"...lol..joke

  7. tassjayy X dice:

    Hahaha they got rekt last couple days back 😂😂😂😂

  8. Ridiculous clickbait title. You seem smart, but it's impossible to take you seriously.

  9. James Bond dice:

    I <3 Davinci he is such a nerd!!

  10. Recession coming 2020. But when you try to warn ppl they demonize you.

  11. Marcus A dice:

    I dont see recession in foreseeable future, because everyone expects it, so but what is the point? I dont want a recession only the expectation is what keeps btc rising

  12. Nice collaboration. You guys are the economists if the 21st century. Keep us updated where the value will be creating in this financial crisis. Bitcoin, gold, decentralized stablecoins are already on our list. Let’s keep watching 👏😀

  13. mining bank dice:

    To support those arrested at the rallies in Moscow and St. Petersburg!

    BTC:   19VLw1cFpLxrCSBdnpfWCdxZDqaTTnGC1D

    ETH:   0x9c1293e49D6aA4d48C05cf31Dce3876E83b8845e

  14. Craig Neeve dice:

    in a financial crisis, Bitcoin will crash first as everyone will panic sell, then not long afterwards it will take off

  15. * when everyone is expecting the crisis it will probably be different
    * gold was sold in crisis before, no reason to believe that bitcoin will be bought then
    * people do not act sane, very few are able to wait until blood is running and still act as planned then

  16. Fresh Onn dice:

    The Dream Team of Crypto!!

  17. Boondo Chang dice:

    You look way more handsome in this video.

  18. NICE DAWG dice:

    I was looking at Divichi vids in 2011 when he asked his viewers to buy I dollars worth of Bitcoin .. I think Divinchi is right about his No Recession opinion and how we can miss the bullet this time around ....We still have to take total precautions anyway in case it does happen..

  19. Great video guys, so awesome to see all of you together.

  20. Lontra Blue dice:

    tip: you need furniture, clothes, heavy things, curtains and these kind of things on the wall
    the square empty walls are one of the causes for this bad sound

  21. You may be the best in TA out here in Tube land! Enjoy the guests and their view although I watch their channel too. I remain strong as bull! -----mikeD

  22. we need a video like this with you and sunny

  23. BryceDoe dice:

    Here this guy again 400k come on be realistic

  24. EF426 dice:

    Probably no recession prior to the 2020 election. I agree with DaVinci on that point.

  25. Walt Moore dice:

    Yes look at the 4 year past cycles and use it to this 4 year cycle this is very easy do. First grad math

  26. MrCidVicious dice:

    I am currently watching the 200 WMA on the SPX to signal the beginning of the recession and economic downfall. I expect this to be worse than 2008/2009.

  27. Walt Moore dice:

    So spot on to much paper money being printed with just speculation this is so lame . Why we make bubble because of debt of inflation of not paying back on money feds keeps barrowing and then thy wright off IOU's yea IOU me back never see it happen

  28. Walt Moore dice:

    Financial Crisis coming 2021 Im from the usa bonds going to crash its time to pay the bar tender party is over yea after the usa election

  29. Walt Moore dice:

    crises coming in 2021

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