5 formas de obtener DAI Stablecoin | Serie DAI para principiantes

En este video, revisamos 5 formas en que puede obtener una moneda DAI estable de MakerDAO: acuñar, comprar, intercambiar, pedir prestado y ganar.
0:28 Minting DAI a través de MakerDAO CDP
2:22 compra de DAI a través de Coinbase / Coinbase Professional
4:22 Cambio de DAI a través de Uniswap o 1 pulgada
5:53 DAI que pide prestado a través de compuesto o dYdX
8:40 Gana DAI con pagos
Gran software program MakerDAO (recursos DAI)
Portal CDP de MakerDAO
Intercambio de 1 pulgada
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❤❤❤❤ keep up the good work! I am loving your videos on the DeFi space!
Please always turn on auto-generated subtitles. Please.
So DAI is the best USD etherium stable coin, all else like TrueUSD etc. pure shit?
I've been using Maker CDP to use ETH to generate SAI to earn 8% interest on my money. So its like going Long on ETH , while making passive income on it at the same time.
Muchas Gracias...Excelente...
Coinbase is "easy" but its a horrible place to do anything with crypto...only use coinbase if you're noob! Coinbase "Pro" is equally bad.
wow, thanks for the heads up on 1inch!
When you draw Dai on Maker through a cdp what are the terms to pay back the Dai?Just when you want/can?Or are there terms?
Lending creates more DAI.
And how do you send it to one another?just like any other crypto?Dai wallet to Dai wallet?
Отлично! Всё ясно.
Excellent tutorial, thanks!
Hey Chris, great video! Please do one comparing 1inch to other similar services!
Another well made, informative video. Thank you Chris.
Very good video. +100 for the clear voice. Subscribed. I hope to see videos in your channel to explain these into detail. I haven't been upto date with Maker (and Ethereum in general) since Dai went live. I have zero idea how these "de-fi" works. Would be great to see other ETH topics as well like those new games.
Excellent vid. Thanks!
Great job!
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