🔥 BITCOIN ¿Hemos tocado fondo? 🔥bitcoin litecoin pronóstico de precios, análisis, noticias, comercio


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    43 Comentarios recientes

  1. Crypto Savy dice:

    👀 BITCOIN and LITECOIN UPDATE! 👀🔥My wife's crypto merch page https://inkurimage.com 🔥

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    BTC: 0:57
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  2. DontGetRekt dice:

    Hope you are fine 👌👍 Weekend 😊👊

  3. arcade hal dice:

    Who is paying you savy? Please stop with these hopium shows. People are losing to much money with your btc promotion show.

  4. Eric Porter dice:

    Just wondering if ur still convinced that btc is following gold? Plus $40000 by year end doesn't look good right now.

  5. Aaron I dice:

    hey savy, you and zombie are the best !

  6. Keep giving us the inside scoop bro, I appreciate you sharing your info.

  7. hey just subscribed , looking to win 😉

  8. wolf gang dice:

    I still believe we will hit 40K by EOY.

  9. Nick Lannan dice:

    If it goes up I win if it goes down I buy more at a discount and win. What's all the fuss about?

  10. Ind3lible dice:

    Thanks for keeping me level headed with all this damn FUD going around about going to 3 or 4k >_<!

  11. Crypto Savy? more like Crypto SAVAGE!

  12. Al dice:

    Thank you for the clarity!

  13. Hold on for dear life.....what do you fuckers think that means....these markets are volatile and they go down (like your mothers) just the same as the go up, so if you can’t stand the heat get your Asssssss out of the fucking hot tub biotches. I’ll kick anyone ass that wants to black Savy for anything

  14. I am sure that it will go up a little, but I believe it is not done falling yet.

  15. Marcus Davis dice:

    Thanks for the great content. Keep up the great work.

  16. Silver sign please. Buying more BTC on the dips!

  17. Reggie Reg dice:

    Enter me in the giveaway please sir

  18. Tim Bronson dice:

    Let Bitcoin do its thang! Think longterm. I have a lot of money tied up in it and I sleep very good every night. I find great entertainment in these charts.

  19. Demixxx dice:

    Wonder how fast many bulls get very bearish these days...

  20. FAST EDDIE dice:

    Let the gains begin💪👍👊

  21. Alice dice:

    Calm as always, blocking the FUD 🙅🏼‍♀️. Thanks Savy

  22. Thanks for the daily updates! F the reddit haters, keep on keepin on!

  23. Litecoin completed its halving. Went from $102 to $51.

  24. FWulf Ta-183 dice:

    Thank you, sir. People are going to miss these prices in the not too distant future. They just don’t know it yet. ☀️

  25. Barry Craig dice:

    These price swings don’t bother me like they used to. I do believe Bitcoin will stay somewhere close to the stock to flow model (which shows price around 7 to 8K). At the halving, it shows us around 50 to 60k. That’s less than a year away! Be patient! We will be vindicated. Until then, our friends and family are not gonna miss a chance to hate on us.

  26. Hahahaha.......🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

  27. Ste Ni dice:

    Ware were u yesterday

  28. They all know we would buy now.. might be a trap.

  29. Walt Moore dice:

    LTC is not dead nver will be dead Charlie Lee is so committed in Im holding LTC great video your keep it simple

  30. Thanks for your work. I believe your right !!!📈📉📈🤑

  31. Walt Moore dice:

    we are going hold the 8k Savy

  32. Rej Parent dice:

    I love your channel and I have started investing in June of this year only and I have learned a lot already, thanks to your channel! I basically understand the chart and I say history repeat itself! 😉 interesting! keep it up CS! and I cannot believe no one claim the beautiful sign yet!

  33. looks great to keep adding in to me 😉

  34. Walt Moore dice:

    Hay Savy we will stay above 8k and time to by or no lower than 7800.00 I think we not gong lower but we need to stay above 8k we did fill the CME I was sitting there for a long time and there is another 1 at the 11000. range we dropped 2 a 53% retrace im buying and if BTC where to crash I think the 6500.000 woulds be the low. Just my thinking SPOT on video Savy !!!

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