🌟BITCOIN MULTI AÑO BULLRUN?!?! 🌟bitcoin litecoin predicción de precios, análisis, noticias, comercio

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BTC: 0:50
LTC: 9:01
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Good 👍
Congrats on the 10k subs 🔥🔥
I think that until we don't let it drop to at least 8k Bitcoin will remain stuck in a sideway patterns and it won't be able to start a proper bull run.
Not enough fuel -
Hey CS .. Looks like again you pointed the target ... today we hit 9880 (binance) !! I can already hear today from you: " We were pretty damn close" 🙂 ))). Great TA !
Great job buddy.......so are we still good?
400th like
Last 24hrs top 10percent BTC holders 70% buying
Lets go Litecoin
Watching this many hours after you posted, and you nailed it with your “most likely” down first call 🎯! Awesome job, thanks for all you do Craig 😃!
Signed up recently Savy. You simplfy the chart very well. clarity is key and you do an excellent job compared to the other you tubers'. well done!
Litecoin staying in green and everything else falling🤔
Hi Savy, many thanks for your great analysis!
Upward pressure WILL breakthrough very soon! I'm watching LTC as the leader of the pack, this is going to be an exciting ride!! Love Crypto Savy...emotionally anchored; not tossed to and fro; the calm in the midst of the storm!
a question, you have drawn a bull flag, but isn't it more of a triangle pattern?
So close to 10k subs, congrats you deserve it. Great video again keep it up!!
Have a good day bro 👊
🐮🐮🐮💯 Fabulous Tuesday CS again thanks for the video! We need to stay on a positive vibe regarding BTC. 🐂🐂
so you believe once we hit around 81 we will go back and retest around 75 level ? It looks like LTC is making gains over last few days while BTC is staying at around10250... in next 2 -4 days i expect BTC to move like you say... thinking ltc still won't go below $65 range anymore... IF EOY hits over $500 for ltc that would be fantastic! well have to see... Anything can happen it was under $30 10 months ago and $146 mid June... If only there was a crystal ball for this stuff...
I need to join the discord but I've been so busy at work I've been off of there for awhile. Love your daily updates. Lately I've been keeping my eye on the 50 day MA. Once we can hold 4% over that for a couple days we should break out.. But I am hoping we break down one more time.. On the other hand we can only go down so much - While volume is low whales are holding more BTC than ever before. Not long there will be a permanent pricing floor of $11,000. Look at Silver too - $18!! People are storing money!
Good morning 🌞😊
Forward ever, backward never
Smash like & subscribe ;D
Mornin' Craig! Thanks for another great video. I too, find your videos have a calming effect. Hope your mom improves without further incidents.
Accumulation time!!!
Sort, simple and accurate.
one step close to the moon
As always Savy thanks a million! You bring calm when others are freaking out.
Everyone, mark your calendars for Thursday, October 10th, as we will be having Cleveland, Ohio's largest Bitcoin event at the Thirsty Dog from 5:30 to 7:30pm on the East Bank of the Flats! Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, Peter McCormick, Crypto Zombie and Crypto Savvy! First drink is on the house. Message me for more details!
Hi Savy, great video!!! Could we be looking at another cup and handle on btc when it hits $20k?
Thanks Savy
These are the time to buy in accumulation faze still next month will be the pull to about 16k
Do you think the next recession (if it happens), will affect your current price prediction?
Thank you for taking the time to explain us the charts in detail. You have been predicting in your opinion for about a month now for a breakout in price. Every week your opinion is it will breakout it has yet to happen.
I’m pretty sure someone has already said so but I’m just gonna throw it anyways. When you go into the first chart the whole history of bitcoin comparing 2011-12 into 2017-2018-2019 #3 in 2012 doesn’t look like it goes higher than #1 in 2011. Just a comment not necessarily has to obey that pattern
Thanks for your time and efforts. CME crash BTC when it was at 20'000 because everybody was bullish to 100'000. Now Baakt will do the opposite because everbody who miss the train at 3'000 are bearish for buying BTC cheaper. Psychology ahahahah. Have a nice day
Digital gold! Smash the likes!
Good stuff Savy👍
Nice, alwas good content.
@crypto savvy how do I find the discord chat?
Always appreciate your daily updates brother 📈💪
First 👍
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