SEMANA DE ITBITCOIN DEL CORTO APRENDIZAJE? c pronóstico de precios de bitcoin litecoin, análisis, noticias, comercio


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    44 Comentarios recientes

  1. Crypto Savy dice:

    LTC: 9:01
    🔥CRYPTOWATCH - Free trial link all your exchanges on one platform (owned by KRAKEN) lots of features alerts ect. 🔥

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    🔥 Keep your CRYPTO SAFE get your LEDGER hard wallet HERE: 🔥


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    🔥sign up with ABRA and make a deposit for free $25 of bitcoin:🔥


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    🔥EMAIL:🔥 [email protected]

    🔥Discord group:🔥

  2. Keep up the hard work and positivity

  3. Congratulations for 10K! You been growing stable and producing some quality material! Thank you!

  4. Floyd Gray dice:

    Always looking forward to seeing your videos!

  5. Al dice:

    Nice signs Crypto Savy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Tom M dice:

    10k subs congratulations!! Well deserved man!! If your eoy target hits you could probably add another 0 to 10k!haha

  7. Congrats on reaching the 10k mark! Well deserved and many more subscribers to follow!

  8. We’re going to the mooooooooooon!!!!!

  9. Pattern is a pattern T-shirt

  10. Would LOVE a Bitcoin sign, will b worth a fortune

  11. Thats easy... Give me my Reward!

  12. James Watson dice:

    Congrats on the 10K subscribers, Savy. Keep up the incredible videos. Your hard work is greatly appreciated!

  13. Kevin dice:

    Love the aluminum signs!
    Yes, everything lining up on the charts as well with worldwide current events for the breakout to begin. Interest rates going down, Trump, China, bakkt...

  14. Crypto NahD dice:

    Sweet on 10k subs. Awesome signs! As always thanks for your opinions on the market. Cant wait for the pattern to kick in hyper drive.

  15. Kuntoshi dice:

    Thanks Savy for the video. Buy BTC & HOLD.

  16. Wa Ba dice:

    Sweet Metal sign looks sick. Keep it up Savy.

  17. wolf gang dice:

    SHORT SQUEEZE WILL BE THE SPARK...FOMO WILL BE THE ROCKET FUEL!! The ride will be intense...fasten those safety belts people!

  18. gman sandhu dice:

    Thanks Savy! Many congrats on 10K subscribers )

  19. Those shields are awesome!!

  20. Laur Siła dice:

    wow 10k SUB, NICE 😉

  21. hey savy appreciate all your content! hope i win one of those dope signs 😀

  22. PismoLandon dice:

    I want that sign!! Muchos Gracias, as always Savy!

  23. Juan Ayon dice:

    Good shit savy I believe we going up to but I hope we don’t go to 46000 just yet lol

  24. ccarrgo dice:

    Congrats on your 10k.

  25. Mark Schmitt dice:

    Those Bitcoin signs are dope!!!

  26. So one more night then u expect us to go up tomorrow sometime?

    Here’s to hoping I win One of the signs!! I already subscribed, liked and now commented

  27. Bobby Pitts dice:

    I would love one of those tins! I have been following your channel for awhile now! Either way I appreciate your daily insight! I really have learned a bunch.

  28. Congrats bro. Next stop 20k subscribers. 🚀🚀🚀

  29. Daniel x dice:

    Thanks for sharing all info! This channel is great! happy to be one of 10k subscribers!!!

  30. Technologist dice:

    Savy, Bitcoin signs... woot woot... damn they look cool!

  31. Jhay Navarro dice:

    Nice 10k so fast. It will reach 46kper btc before the end of the year.

  32. From where do you believe all the new cash will flow in to bring us up to the 46k?
    I don’t believe you can compare percentage gains from past years this easily with the present situation. To bring btc from 100 to 1000 (10x) it needed a lot less cash inflow than now from 10k to 46k (4.6x). It seems like no new money is flowing in, just old traders moving the prices right now. Would be interested in your opinion! Thank you Savy

  33. Ind3lible dice:

    Would love to win either of those! Thanks for the info!

  34. pioka 321 dice:

    Congrats. 10k resistance broken. Now moon

  35. Edwin Parker dice:

    I have really enjoyed your updates. Thanks for all that you do!!!

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