Ripple + Coinbase, $ 100 millones en Ethereum, Bitcoin Lunch y ¿Ha comenzado la temporada de Alt?

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MAY-JULY Most alts up 100% PLUS. Wider crypt community "where alt season?" Clearly not dealing with the brains trust here
When all of the available Bitcoin finally makes its way from the hands of the "Traders" to the hands of the "HODLers" and "Users" then real price discovery will begin. These dips in price are part of that process. Traders OUT, HODLers IN.
Thank you
ahh fuck more ripple tard talk
gaboopahblah woh?
Facebook makes money selling our information. Perhaps Deloitte's ulterior motive for accepting bitcoin in their private canteen is to field test facial recognition software with their CCV cameras watching who's paying with bitcoin. Now they can sell who owns that money associated to those blockchain transactions.
If this small scale test proves itself well, we may see that taken to a higher scale and many corporations claiming to now accept bitcoin out of good will.
um you can set up an LLC for $50.....if anyone wants me to do it il do it for $250
3,000,000,000 XRP will be life changing!
I pay off my loan in 3 days using luxuryhacks .net
I got help from luxuryhacks .net
Great information as always. Thank you. Best show in town....
Oh Fuck no!!!
VALID QUESTION: A large financial institution signs up for X-rapid. They can now transfer funds anywhere in about four seconds. Everybody is happy. Until one day, whilst transferring a few billion dollars, there is a very sudden and dramatic price drop for the price of XRP. The final (end) side of the transfer tries to cash in their XRP. However, their XRP is now only worth 70% of what it was worth four seconds ago. Fortunes have just been lost.... chain reaction ...dominoes start falling, etc.
Folks, prices drops like that DO HAPPY AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN.
So, what then?
no chance coinbase would never have a partnership with ripple more chance with steller .
If Xrapid or XRP is used to make the Bitcoin TPS faster well. XRP will MOON.
XRP all the way heck 5 USD will be mucho good. made mucho money in early 2018. with XRP
Someone, I won't name names...
Claimed to have purchased groceries the other day using BTC on the CashApp. This person did this in a tiny village in Alaska that isn't even on the road system.
The future is here and already there.
XRP will be numero uno crypto in the world!!!!!!
Who wants to be the poor guy who pays for a salami sandwich with 5000 satoshis today, and find out it was worth $500 a few years later?
Interesting brew goin on there as you said. Nice..
Everyone loves low risk and high reward projects to invest, but these projects Credit, Wavesbet, BABB and Evimeria are extremly low risk alomost zero risk and high reward projects to invest don`t miss it out, my top2 projects are Cardano and Ripple
So many altcoins are up a lot today. I was trying to hold out to see if Bakkt was going to push the price of BTC down 1st and then buy more Bitcoin and get into some altcoins, but they really jumped today. XRP even up over 16%
So exciting to finally see a positive growth in XRP... I rode the 2017 crash all the way down... a painful couple of years.
Hopefully the boom is coming!! Man I'd love that...
Thanks for the update!
If trump has good foresight he would hedge his bets and implement current dlt maybe xrp before China and the rest of the world move forward without the USA 🇺🇸
Deloitte rhymes with Delight which ends with the letter T which is the 3rd letter of the word Rothchild. Confirmed. The Rothchilds are behind bitcoin!!!
What happ to BTC ??
Deloitte is probably training their staff this way to audit btc transactions
I don't know what to think... Schwartz has been trolling Twitter pretty hard. There's definitely a shift in tone. Could be toying with us. Could be lowering the veil. Who knows.
Your good moods enter the room like sunlight on a crisp spring day and it makes me glad to be there for it.
I like listening to you.
Great videos but you need to fix your audio problem. Your mic gets so quiet when you take a break from talking. This is the only creator i watch on youtube that has this happen. Very annoying
Interesting thing about ripple and Coinbase. Coinbase has a Mexican exchange though so I guess no need for Bitso at all.
Bitcoin ultra gold for the win lol
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