Lo que realmente hago con Botox y Filling (ETC)

Hilados y Botox, Agujas y Rellenos. Esto es lo que hago en un cirujano plástico. Advertencia !! ¡No para hipersensibilidad! Siempre espero compartir los mejores consejos sobre belleza, negocios, moda y vida. Los amo muchachos XX.
Un agradecimiento especial a dr_marta_beauty, Luciaclinic y @altherapyarabia
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Relleno de los labios:
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Sorry but you are sooo hysterical !!!
Sometimes fillers and stuff do make a person look better but in Huda’s case, I think I liked her face better before ...
اتمناااااا نكون اصدقاءءءءءء❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You Need JESUS i Feel Very Sad For You😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 what are you doing too your self you ars already beautiful
Next plz!
قنات خياطة ادعميني 💓💓💗💗💗💗💝💝💝💝💝
وجهي كام يوجعني
كيف تتحملين هذا الالم 😭😭
Sad to see when so many look up to her.... that much pain to the poor face
Psycho lady
She looks so artificial with all that treatment ! Stop doing these things to your skin !
صانع السكائر لايدخن
الدكتورة على طبيعتها لأن كل هاي الأشياء مضره -
These doctors should get banned for doing such tortures on face
You look so aged with all these fillers!
أح ما يعورها
Corajosa demais eu nao teria coragem
I wish I would’ve NEVER saw this. Signed by someone who just turned 50......😳. Ouch.
Thank u for sharing this
I'm happy you are honest about you have stuff done. I'm not against it at all. But I'm chocked ppl are so against this and say what they are. If you afford it damnet do what you want. But if you can't afford it pls don't down talk ppl.
No, that really looks so bad on you , why you changed your beautiful face why 😣😣😣
These comments are just mean. Besides that, huda u don’t need this. You’re beautiful as u r.
Hi Huda
I think you are a very talented and beautiful women
Please stop inserting your face
You don’t need it
You are going to ruin your beautiful face. ❤️ -
so she is fake then fake laugh on This Morning programme a faking her face to sell her products no thank you
What’s wrong with the lines around her face? She looks like a wooden doll. Arent those lines suppose to not show
هية تهبل قاعدة تخرق في وجها .الجزائريين لي معاية جام
Imagine if she goes bankruptcy and she had no money .how will she live
كنت اتمنى الفديو عربي او مترجم
اين العياده؟ -
Does anyone one a good doctor like Huda’s doctor ? In the NYC area ?
I just saw the future and you contract necrotizing fasciitis in 2020. You'll survive however you'll lose your voice, sight and sense of smell. Merry Christmas!
She is a sick woman really
Oh my God a real desperate wife... -
You act like your high or something...
Botox can ruin your skin in the future 🤦🏼♀️ and make u look older tf
What the F*#@#*@ she is same age as me....I was thinking much much older.....why is she doing this to her self. She looks over 50!
Please stop before it's too late, Mashallah you are beautiful! -
ليش تخربون خلق الله💔
That was why you couldn’t take more thread lifting anymore at your left side at that moment, because the doctor put the thread on your vein and it was bruise which made you extra painful
The fact your having a procedure and needles are being put into your face making entry points you keep touching your face is a NO NO! You could cause a infection so easily
لوهالشي منيح للوجه الي لاحظ الخطوط والتجاعيد بوجه الدكتوره
Hey huda, please can you talk through some of the procedures and explain what they're for and how they work and results. Thanks!
حسيت بالالام وانا مالي دخل 💔😭😭
She looks uglier . Wastage of money
Naic bain
What is the use of having and using such big brands when you have to go for a botox treatment.. So guys save money and don't invest on big brand names but just go for your cosmetic surgery..
P. S.- That looks insanely painful.. -
I miss old Huda
I’m scared 😥😥😥
So difficult
مجانين هوس الجمال ليش دكتورة ماعملة فيلر لانها تعلم مضاعفاتو
كنت اجمل في الاول
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