Informe macro (29/9) | ¡Bitcoin, Ethereum, Oro, Plata y Acciones!


# Bitcoin # Cifrado # Cifrado de moneda
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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    33 Comentarios recientes

  1. Gabe Lazar dice:

    Long time subscriber here, began watching for the crypto info but really enjoy the macro take on other markets also... If you come across any industries, sectors, sub-sectors, that DON'T seem to be following the same pattern(s) of the majority of the equity market I'd be interested to see that. Seems like all major funds/ETFs look the same in the charts (just various magnitudes). I'd be interested to see what equities are moving opposite the majority and your take on why that may be? Great content as always!

  2. S Bell dice:

    i'd love you do do I small feature on a new Defi project called REN.

    The REN mainnet is due for release in Q4 2019 and I would love to hear your thoughts on the recent past data because it features a stark trend reversal (we know how much you like a trend reversal).

    Awesome content, liked


  3. Fricken awesome! Thanks dude.

  4. PrimeDrift dice:

    No mention of Brexit...

  5. Jan Orr dice:

    Thank You for the analysis! You are very insightful!

  6. ICO ETH dice:

    Thanks Nick for your insight . The vast majority use technical analysis, adding moving averages, stochastics, and other varieties of indicators, based on the underlying open, high, low, and close of the market in question.
    There is one little problem the 95% majority don’t consider. The cryptocurrency space is highly correlated. This means, when the leaders in market capitalisation and turnover go up, the rest of the market follows. And it’s the same, but reversed, when the leading coins go down. Example VeChain ,they have release news about partnership & pilot projects for dozens of companies but fail to reflected positively on the token price beside gaining volume on exchanges known for volume boosting , lacking certified number of user or at lest try publish the figure on their website.

  7. thanks Nick!!! I was not able to find the sqeeze indicator until you showed this 😀

  8. P C dice:

    enjoy your chart analysis, but greatly appreciate your cryptocurrency news

  9. Iloveyoutube dice:

    I followed your link to the Energi Earndrop, tried to register, but it says "Please try again later due to preregistration queue."

  10. micheal owen dice:

    The other side that is less talked about is trading. It is quite disheartening with so much FUD about bulls, bears, reversal etc and I wish more focus should be given to trading and how to build an army of traders rather than be left at the mercy of bitcoin whales and manipulators who drive price to their own advantage. With the appropriate trading patterns and signals from Rodney Howard, a competent trader by all ramifications, I have been able to grow 2 btc to 7 btc in just 2 weeks by trading using his signals. He showed me how to take advantage of this situation  gainfully. He can be contacted by mail  Rodneyhoward07@gmailcom or via Whatsapp: + 19083642121 and Telegram @ Rodney07  for further assistance.

  11. Stranden dice:

    Maybe you could do some analysis on renewable energy sector? Would it differ from regular tech companies? Seeing how many countries are going for renewable energy with increasing momentum, maybe these markets will be good investing options?

  12. Endles dice:

    Bitcoin, Ethereum, Gold, Silver & Stocks are all good investment channels. But for the time being, I think investing in the Tokoin project is the best. Because this is the most successful IEO project in 2019 and is continuing to grow (ROI 7x). Take a look here: TOKOIN.IO

  13. I hope to see you make a review about Tokoin one of these days, this is currently the best ieo return token with it current trading price close to it's ATH. You can check it out on kucoin.

  14. Have you checked out the Storm Play app? It’s a fun and easy way to earn cryptocurrency right from your phone. Sign up with my referral code and you will get 6000 Bolts when you try it! My code is SVMKPW5S.

  15. Tejas Suthar dice:

    I think only market data is not a good practice. I always check Development, Sentiment and Community metrics just to be sure on Blue Swan Grading.

  16. Joe Hawk dice:

    BTC2 will be worth 1000's soon

  17. The Kngdom dice:

    Love your information but damn dude speak up a little... 😪 🤧

  18. ICO Crypto dice:

    Thanks for your sharing, so how do you think about altcoin? Please check new project based on #MSME, #Tokoin utilize the blockchain as facilitation and privileges. With their Digital Business ID, MSME is able to record and keep track of their business process in a digital ledger while simultaneously distribute the credit scoring that they build to the other partner. Now TOKO gets listed on Kucoin Exchange.

  19. Hey Nick, what website do you use for charting?

  20. Thanks champion, what is the best exchange to short the stock marketsin your opinion? Luv your work dude ♡

  21. I love your new format, please keep it going DataDash!

  22. Anaesthete dice:

    Thanks DD, really enjoyed this 'Macro Report', and if your publishing every Sunday thats a great set up for the week... Thanks mate!

  23. The Fox dice:

    This was really really great! Please do more of these 🙂 Love that you included non-crypto stuff too

  24. Mikael dice:

    Good stuff to start the week

  25. Please try again later due to preregistration queue.

  26. K Spencer dice:

    great vid, enjoy something like this more often, thank you DD!

  27. mikejaeger23 dice:

    Great Video 🤓👍🏾

  28. Luis dice:

    I'm unclear about the NRG earndrop. The website is very explicit in stating that you can only enter in 1 round and you will not be allowed to enter in any rounds thereafter (with comments that doing so may disqualify you entirely.) Are you promoting the 4th global round, which is the current one, to people who have not registered yet?

    Otherwise, it sounds like you're suggesting we register even if we already have, which the website says all over not to do. Again, I'm just unclear, not trying to point fingers. Any clarification on this would be appreciated.

  29. Loved this nick! Thanks for everything!

  30. Paper2Gold dice:

    What's the point in putting that ENERGI link in your description? It's impossible to register. Only those that had the foresight to register prior to Earndrop 4 even being a thing, have the ability to partake in it. - So waving that link around here on youtube is just a big tease. =(

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