¿Ethereum está forzando $ 250? - Análisis de precios de noticias de Ethereum


Predicción de precios de noticias en Ethereum
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Descubra el último análisis técnico para Ethereum. Actualmente, ETH ha surgido del área de resistencia principal en $ 200 y ha recurrido a nuestro soporte, por lo que estamos estables y seguros en este momento en la estructura precise que apunta a aumentar continuamente el precio.

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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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  3. natan dice:

    6 day later ETH no support line anymore 🙂 guyss this market dont give a Shitstorm of analysis

  4. Laura Negro dice:

    I loved this video, so useful! Congratulations!

  5. this is must-watch, to know about what is happening in Ethereum

  6. Very useful video of ethereum....it is helpful
    Thanks for sharing this video

  7. I m really glad to knew about Ethereum . With an complete instructions thx u !!!

  8. jaya ganesh dice:

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  13. Sony John dice:

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  14. Good news about Ethereum. Thanks a lot for sharing with us the details

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  16. pinky nath dice:

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  21. Meena Mathew dice:

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  22. Very helpful information. I have learned a lot about etherium. Thank you

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  26. Ahmed ramis dice:

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  27. It is totally useful for me know more about cryptocurrency and ethereum ! thank you.

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  29. Etherium is the real deal! It has a lot of potential and people are already so much into it.

  30. Excellent video , it is really valuable and beneficial video for all people.

  31. Excellent video friend very good information about ethereum thanks for sharing you helped me a lot

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  33. 55mph dice:

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  34. Wow, excellent explain .. thanks for share

  35. Interesting analisis my friend, nice prediction for ether and tks for yours tips and details...very usefull...tks!!!

  36. Traci Cade dice:

    This cryptocurrency etherium is a real deal. It has a lot of value and people are already so much into it.

  37. vetri maran dice:

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  40. How nice your video I really liked your information is very well explained

  41. I've always thought that etherium is better but it's underestimated by users

  42. I have always thought that etherium is better than bitcoin but is overestimated by users

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