Bitcoin a $ 130Okay, Ethereum, Litecoin, Digibyte, HEX, blockchain, criptomoneda

Entrevista con Josiah Spakman de Digibet. Reclamando códigos HEX free of charge. El primer certificado de depósito blockchain de alto interés (depósitos a plazo). Rico este mercado alcista! Programado para bombear. ¡Bájalo para hacerlo! Richard Hart: líder de pensamiento de Blockchain, inversor de criptomonedas, autor, empresario en serie, Bitcoin OG
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Si quieres conocer otros artículos parecidos a Bitcoin a $ 130Okay, Ethereum, Litecoin, Digibyte, HEX, blockchain, criptomoneda puedes visitar la categoría Videos.
00:13 Richard's Intro
01:38 New Zealand / Australia Software Updates
02:49 Litecoin Developer Leak
07:19 Recommending Crypto to Friends / Family
08:05 Current Market Perspective
11:04 Usability of Bitcoin
12:41 Litecoin Price VS Fundamentals
14:36 Transferring Value VS Storing Value
14:48 Effect of Speculation on Crypto Prices (Trade USD Pairs)
16:21 USD Burn
16:45 Longing > Shorting
17:23 Social Consensus VS Proven Scarcity
18:09 Chain Roll Backs and Stolen Coins
22:52 Free Money and Scams
24:35 Ethereum and Uses
25:26 Digibyte's Digiassets
26:58 Ethereum VS Tokens on Ethereum (HEX)
30:09 Difficulty Adjustments and DigiShield
31:20 Piggybacking Bitcoin's Brand
34:00 Small Market Caps Pump Hard
34:56 Coin Death and Survival
35:33 Interest Rates and Prices
36:42 Bitcoin All-Time Highs
39:52 Factoring in New Data in Predictions
41:39 Free Quality Trading Advice
42:58 Haters
43:43 ICOs
44:43 HEX Pumpamentals (Time Deposits, Virality, Incentives, Unit Bias, Inflation Bugs, Audits, Holders Get Paid)
49:25 Ethereum Network Power
50:01 Mining Algorithms
52:31 Evil Miners
54:12 Crypto Archetypes
54:33 Unfairness Beats Fairness
56:06 Eating Meat and Ethics
58:07 Incentivizing Development in Crypto
01:01:22 Using Crypto for Payments
01:02:44 Blockstream Defending Tether and Mining
01:03:42 Buying Mining Equipment VS Coins
01:04:41 Roger Ver / Bitcoin Cash / Bitcoin SV / Epstein "Suicide"HEX / DIGIBYTE / CHAT
01:10:25 Chat
01:10:41 Claiming HEX from Hardware Wallet
01:12:42 Other Ways to Get HEX (Referral System / Adoption Amplifier / Staking)
01:15:34 HEX Stickiness and Interesting Metrics
01:19:10 HEX Front-End Development
01:22:53 Claiming HEX from Hardware Wallet
01:25:18 HEX Centralization
01:26:13 Value Decentralization
01:27:04 ICOs / Digiassets
01:30:54 Tickets on the Blockchain / Blockchain is ONLY for Censorship Resistance
01:35:27 Pompliano Conflating Bitcoin and Cryptography
01:36:31 Cashing Out HEX / Ending Stake / Laddering
01:37:51 HEX Listing on Exchanges
01:38:42 Staking on ETH 2.0 VS HEXCONCLUSION (01:39:17)
Digibyte went up 150x from 2016 to 2017?
Try 600x
I think before the bullrun it was worth $0.000220*600x = $0.13
If you count the beginning of 2016 the price was at $0.000131*1000x = $0.13
This made Digibyte one of the most profitable coins besides XRP.
The shirt is amazing
Josiah looks like an older James Hetfield, odd- but in a good way.
All cryptocurrencies are completely useless and heading towards $0!
I like the way you think, very similar to me. Happy to have found your channel.
How do I get started hashing for CFD token. I love the concept and would be stoked to contribute some GPU juice.
Richard we need more videos from you
I agree with the gentlemen below who suggested we need an update after the new price drop. You were great about interviewing to get your hex marketing done, but then you lost interest in getting info out.
Richard, we need a new video after the 8200 bitcoin dump. How does this change your price predictions? What is going on with Hex?
Is hex snap shot already over? It says 2019 Q1? So people that got BTC this month won't get it? Or is the snapshot before launch
Richard Heart is such a scammy little choad.
Hey Richard did you use to deliver Pizza before you found Bitcoin? I swear I have seen you before.
Why were are all of these crypto currencies created in the first place ?
Heart = conman
Dgb to coinbase
Can’t help but always see that there is a deep sadness in this dude.
what happened?! you were on a path......... fast for 10 days.. at this point there isnt anything you can gain by adding something to your life.. take something away.
Dogibyte for a huge ROI.
Interesting as always. Crazy shirt, reminds me of Papua New Guinea.
People that say they are a genious are most often a fucking idiot.... congratulations...
Holding LTC is by all means better than BTC because there is zero possibility of someone dumping 1M coins on you one day. LTC is a fair coin with no premine/instamine.
Iconic sheet coin leaders
I was going to make a comment asking you to tell us where the bottom is, but I know that would just piss you off.
Why is Richard so négative about btc ans when you look at his vidéo one year ago Hé was so positive ? ;x
Hi Richard, I enjoyed your video...I am a new subscriber AND fairly new to BTC. I'm excited. But to be honest, I'm overwhelmed and a lil scared, but I think it's a great investment. Thanks again! xo
I can barely hear the video, because Richard’s shirt is so loud.. 😂😂😂.
❤️❤️❤️ your transparency brother! -
I'm subscribing for the content but also because my friends granny has the same shirt👍
When can I claim Hex coins?
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