¡Alts capitula! ¡Checoslovaquia y Arthur Hayes llaman a Altcoin!

Mientras Alts se rinde: ¡los principales operadores llaman y ejecutan Altcoin!
¿Quién ganó el gran debate, Arthur y Nuriel?
¿Comprarías mucho dinero ahora, Alts ahora? .

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Beware of shitcoins and choose some promising projects like Telecoin and multiply.
I'll call it bs till i really see it happened :), talkin is cheap. Its sept already
21:42 "Buy low, then even lower and then sell at the bottom."
BNB is an unregistered security.
Guys use my Electroneum code 577A5C❤️🚀🚀🚀
so cnbc cannot fins anyone else, that at least speaks some english
All in on scam coins imo
I invite both you Cryptomanran and CZ for hotpot in Chongqing
Stop reposting
Excellent intro music. Debate was good, too. 😉
Rubini was an Ass and just because u repeatedly same something does Not make it true! Loser!
Buy Dash
27:31 since when the highly academically educated ppl can't be vulgar n swear at same time ** same fucking language usage ** just some words are decided by "someone" to be obscene for some reason while they're very often borrowed/taken from other languages n transformed to other ** if u, buddy, speak at least a couple of foreign languages, than perhaps you'd see it differently * u can be educated n possess a huge vocab, but still chose to use foul language in certain situations ** those are also sound more expressive n give more sound to the feelings of ppl ** simple Latin/italian term of "curva" (can be spelled "kurva/kurwa" whore in english) can expresses someone of certain character as "diverting from the commonly accepted" ** romanian, russian, polish, hungarian, bulgarian, etc kurva=whore is considered vulgar expression but not necessarily used for expressing always exactly the same meaning in the conversation ** danish/german "kurven" same like italian means "curve", etc.
Next time take Erik Vorhees vs Roubini, Erik will tear Roubini into chooped pieces 🙂
Big news re NFL team Miami Dolphins 🐬 and Łitecoin partnership. Cointelegraph has article - Good show as usual👌
UFC fighters, Glory kickboxing league, International Soccer Stars, Pop stars, and now Miami Dolphins. 🐬 ‘Use’ means increased demand, mining reward halving leads to reduced supply. Result should be greater use and price🏌️♂️
100x leverage is a suicidal level of leverage. Arthur Hayes, I hope you can live with yourself.
why dont you fix your shit exchange overload issues with all that money your puling in arthur
artur hayes reading a telepronter?
same vid (please put repeat in title to avoid time wasting)
The original version of this uploaded yesterday included clips from the debate. The new version contains nothing. What is going on?
Capitulate? lol
Isn’t this the same video posted like 3 times in a row?!!
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