Academia Indodax: Podcast Eps. 1 (había una vez madera de acebo blockwood)

Indodax Academy: Podcast Version merupakan sebuah tempat untuk kalian belajar lebih banyak mengenai blockchain, aset digital dan cara transaksinya dalam bentuk Podcast, jadi kalian bisa mendengarkan dimana saja dengan dan simpel.
Yudhaifa selaku Gerente de comunidad BitUniverse Indonesia hadir di Indodax Academy: episodio de Podcast Version pertama. Berangkat dari segala keuntungan yang dapat dihasilkan dari ber-trading Aset Digital, Indodax berkerja sama dengan BitUniverse untuk lebih memudahkan kegiatan jual-beli Aset Digital.
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narasumbernya lemes banget, gak dikasih makan apa
Nyimak,baru newbie
Bikin di dong podcast nya. Biar bisa dengerin tapi layar HP nya dimatiin
Asik... Thanks Indodax 👍
apa yang menyebabkan adanya perbedaan harga setiap market?
Hello. Thanks for your video blog. Please pay attention to the cryptocurrency PRIZM (PZM) Coins are stored on your wallet
Kok banyak bule yg berkomentar ya, 😂😂😂
Thank ! The video is helpful. Technologies evolve and allow you to earn money by simply storing cryptocurrency in your PZM wallet. This is a real money printing press in your home. You and only you are the owner of your wallet. can watch giperbinar.
hadeh mic nya kq tutupin muka.
cryptocurrency PRIZM have the main advantage is paramining
Gk ada Evelyn 😢
Hello! The PRIZM cryptocurrency is now relevant. It works using the unique PARAMining technology, thanks to which each user can generate new coins in his wallet without the cost of equipment and electricity. PRIZM has a unique giperbinar com program that is accessible to everyone and is especially interesting to network marketing leaders. Connect to PRIZM, learn PRIZM !!!
Saya asal dari aceh sllu mengikuti indodax semoga indodax sellu berjaya
Guys, if you need good earning, you must try PRIZM wallet.
Prizm have on of the most greatest ideas i've ever seen!
Because this crypto can guarantee you on average, 15% of coins per month from the current balance of the wallet.
The uniqueness of the prizm consists in genial decision - generate new coins (Paramining) is separated from the generating units that called Forging.
tolong marketnya lebih akurat lagi admin dan market indodax slow dan pair untuk btc nya di tambah biar para treder indonesia gak lari ke market luar hanya karena mau pair btc ke coin lainya dan tolong di perlengkap pair btc nya sekian terima kasih
in budi we believe
boleh nih
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