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Random comment to win the prize. Lol
Its a descending Triangle brother.
You look way more fit. You doing exercise?
Those posters look 🔥
Good chart analysis...
Thanks for the EXCELENT T A
As always, great info! Can’t wait for the bull run!!! Thanks!
That is awesome that you guys will be in Cleveland next month. I will actually be in Northeast OH that week, which is where I grew up, so I will come by!
Just another random comment
After party with max. Epic 🔥
love the daily inv h&s on rsi, would be amazing
Nice signs.
Leaving a random comment.
I'm still bullish.
XRP to $1.000.00 🙌🏽!
Excellent analysis Craig, thanks a million for what you do 🙌🏻! Hope you have a great weekend 😃
Too many people thinking market is crashing down; short squeeze on the horizon; will be the spark that lights the rocket fuel of FOMO to 20k!
Don't know if it will happen in the near future but I'm a 10M believer actually...
Too good to be true?
I think in the end it will be too true to be good.... -
Fresh perspective, inspired me to dream big! Thank you for your show; let’s welcome the bulls soon
It's coming... just wait some more.
LTC's volume is hanging in there. Be careful though - massive sell off looming.
Dear Savy many thanks for great content as always! Question regarding LTC- as I heard LTC normally leading BTC, so dont you think to hold more LTC first then sell some LTC and buy BTC? many thanks again!
Another solid video good sir
Look at the bullish crosses on the weekly Stochastic RSI. Very positive to say the least.
Stochastic RSI on the daily and especially the weekly is looking extremely bullish!!! Don’t wait to buy.
Love your positive attitude on the market. you keep the spirit alive, even when there isn't much happening. Have a good weekend!
Thank you for the TA. Been watching 3 months or so, my first comment. Being that your personal orientation and approach as a holder/swing trader is to the upside, do you ever short specifically when the charts are showing a strong bias toward the downside... Once again, Thanks. Have a wonderful weekend!
Good video Savy.
Great videos, glad that bitcoin Ben mentioned you.
Your TA is fantastic! I’m just hodling and your daily videos keep me calm. I’m super bullish!! I also keep a stock to flow chart for bitcoin on my computer because it shows how high we are going in the future. Thanks for putting so much of your time in this.
Please keep up the very good work. Your optimism and confidence in BTC is out of this world. Your reading of chart is against all others, most of the times you are right.
The Charts look very Volatile.
New sub to this channel love the content 🙌🏻
Its hard not to trade off your TA cause you been pretty much right.
awesome sign!!! still hoping to win the sign 🙂
Like that Shirt " BULLISH " is that a " SIGN " ??? Congrats again on 10 K SUBS !!! Well Deserved IMO
Wow 10k subs! Congrats !
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