Tutorial de solidez: curso completo sobre Ethereum, desarrollo de blockchain, contratos inteligentes y EVM


Aprenda programación en Solidity en el tutorial completo. Solidity es un lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos para escribir contratos inteligentes. Se usa para ejecutar contratos inteligentes en varias plataformas blockchain, especialmente Ethereum.

Artículo de dureza con código:

El curso creado por la Universidad Dapp. Mira su canal de YouTube:
Capacitación para desarrolladores para desarrolladores de blockchain gratuitos en la Universidad Dab:

⭐️ Contenido del curso ⭐️
⌨️ (12:03) Parte 2
⌨️ (32:34) Parte 3
⌨️ (46:32) Parte 4
⌨️ (1:00:48) Parte 5
1: (1:18:35) Parte 6


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    35 Comentarios recientes

  1. CC Stash dice:

    DappUniversity is AWESOME!! Thanks for all the free content!!!! x1000

  2. shenshing LY dice:

    can we use Visual Studio for coding? If yes how to do so.

  3. Big thumbs up for the videos man!

  4. 38:18 "and after this, we can just basically do this _;"

  5. A very good hands on video on Solidity. Thanks Gregory for this video. I had many of my doubts cleared out through this.

  6. Gas requirement of function Taxi.addperson(string,string) high: infinite.

    If the gas requirement of a function is higher than the block gas limit, it cannot be executed.

    Please avoid loops in your functions or actions that modify large areas of storage

    (this includes clearing or copying arrays in storage)

  7. I watched this same intro on your other video and it would be helpful if you made useful analogies... You are explaining the code using internal language, but since you are the only one explaining Solidity on YouTube it might be useful to explain more of the real world use case of each function...

    For instance, when you say "Anyone will be able to set this value on the Blockchain"... I have no idea what that means... Anyone will be able to change the code, or input some kind of number??? I'm going to continue to watch for further explanation, but this is the same intro as your 13 minute video I'm wondering if the real world explanation could be explained while explaining the internal mechanisms of what each line of code means to the Blockchain and as well to the goals of the individual developer...

  8. Thanks for the tutorial. I loved it. I hope to watch more videos to learn.

  9. Can some one provide the real time project on solidity

  10. Aton B dice:

    Nice! Subscribing to your channel and checking out website

  11. pavan kumar dice:

    Iam Non programing back ground ...Can u plz tell me how can I learn block chain....??

  12. Yılmaz ATLI dice:

    Why don't you put ads to videos? We're definitely not bored with your ads. You totally deserve it guys! 😊😊💯👍

  13. Igor Kruk dice:

    Worth watching, thanks 🙂

  14. What prerequisites are needed (or assumptions expected about the person watching) to be able to fully follow along with this tutorial?

  15. Loved the tutorial , the only problem i have with solidity is that syntax too long , i'll probably use it in the near future

  16. what if the library is on the blockchain. How to reference it when we do not have it in the same folder before deploying it? Thanks

  17. Nur Azhar dice:

    Protip: Ethereum cant and wont scale

    Craig is satoshi ok bye

  18. Finn E_berg dice:

    Please, could u make a video "Make your own/how to make a Facemash" like make a Mark Zuckerberg at 2009 in film Social Network?

  19. Ella Blun dice:

    ugh, this is old 🙁

  20. Are there any jobs for solidity? Is there any demand. And if yes where can we find them?

  21. Him dice:

    In my opinion this is the most useless coding programming language to learn because internet money is the same like monopoly money, it's not real.

    On the other hand, it's good to learn and expand to new things and this video is very helpful.

  22. Joe Barco dice:

    What program languages do you need to know?

  23. Remi Odufuye dice:

    Gregory is the man !!!. he has been providing awesome resources on blockchain technology for ages . Great to see him here on freecode camp !! 😎🙏🏽 .

  24. abel tedros dice:

    This was really helpful! Keep up the Solidity + Ethereum tutorials 🙂

  25. Wrogbe Nepe dice:

    No ads huh? Also can you do EOSio?

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