¡Todos los inversores serios de Bitcoin compran BTC MAÑANA, aquí! FILOSOFÍA DE GANANCIAS BTC Bombliano


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El mercado es arriesgado y solo debe invertir exactamente lo que quiere perder.

Las citas que se muestran en el video y otros títulos son mis propias opciones; de ninguna manera están vinculadas a las opiniones de expertos de la industria. Los títulos de video son mi propio punto de vista y no deben considerarse prácticos ni su valor actual.

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De ninguna manera estoy promoviendo ICOS. Los ICOS son grandes riesgos e inversiones específicas que pueden ser promovidas por malos actores. Por esta razón, es muy importante buscar el asesoramiento de un experto financiero con licencia antes de invertir en ICOS y CRYPTO en normal. No hacerlo podría ponerlo en riesgo financiero.

No soy un profesional financiero con licencia, soy una persona pública que expresa mis opiniones personales en la plataforma de Youtube. No se indica nada en los movies, y no debe considerarse un consejo. Invierta en cualquiera de los activos bajo su propio riesgo y, como siempre, solo invierta lo que perderá totalmente. .

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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    31 Comentarios recientes

  1. Thanks once again Digital Currency. You helped me out yet again. I had sent some BTC to myself from CoinbasePro to my Nano S. I went to Ledger Live to confirm that it had gotten there and it had NOT. I was wondering what could had happened, did I use the right address? Long story short, I found out that my bitcoin wallet had been hacked and the address was changed. I began to sweat wondering how I could get my 5 bitcoin back then I contact this bitcoin expert digitalcurrency14 @ gmail. com who taught me how to make profit on bitcoin few month ago I explained everything to him and he assured me he will help me out. He helped me recovered my 5 bitcoin back from the hacker, I couldn't believe my eye until I confirmed it on my wallet and it finally got to my Nano. Almost 2 weeks now and I'm still grateful. Thanks Digital Currency! I still make profit everyday on bitcoin with his help

  2. Many people work every day only for them to not be able to meet up end means. You have to invest and be smart while you work, you are no different from those who makes million it's because they invest and are smart about it, Saving money in the bank does not make you rich but investing that money makes you super rich and that's the secret the rich won't inform you about. It takes commitment and determination to be successful and financially stable. invest in bitcoin today and make a better tomorrow for yourself. You can reach digitalcurrency14/@ gmail/ com for more enquiry

  3. Ron Wild dice:

    Investing in bitcoin can make one a billionaire in a short period of time. It also helps anyone to escape sudden inflation by investing or saving your money in a bitcoin wallet in order to escape failed government monetary policy. Bitcoins can be sent across the globe, no bank can block payments or close your account. There are lots of benefits investing in bitcoins, you just have to be very careful and smart while investing in bitcoin. So I will advice anyone who's willing and want to make a huge profit in a short period of time in bitcoin to contact (digitalcurrency14@gmail. com) Also, If you need consultancy about any digital currency, mining of bitcoin or retrieve stolen wallet, lost passwords contact digital currency I just benefited from his service few weeks ago and i'm very sure he's willing and ready to help anyone too

  4. Ron Wild dice:

    Investing in bitcoin can make one a billionaire in a short period of time. It also helps anyone to escape sudden inflation by investing or saving your money in a bitcoin wallet in order to escape failed government monetary policy. Bitcoins can be sent across the globe, no bank can block payments or close your account. There are lots of benefits investing in bitcoins, you just have to be very careful and smart while investing in bitcoin. So I will advice anyone who's willing and want to make a huge profit in a short period of time in bitcoin to contact (digitalcurrency14@gmail. com) Also, If you need consultancy about any digital currency, mining of bitcoin or retrieve stolen wallet, lost passwords contact digital currency I just benefited from his service few weeks ago and i'm very sure he's willing and ready to help anyone too

  5. Kyle Steve dice:

    Hey friends, people do say good people no longer exist in Binary/Bitcoin investment but I can stand against such quote because I have seen a good man in Charlie Duncan, I saw his post on instagram few months ago and I contacted him as well followed his instructions on how to be a successful trader, his strategy has proven to be the best I have ever seen in recent time, earning from trade weekly is more than success, Thank you sir, you too can earn weekly, contact him on instagram for the best strategy today @btc_cyclers

  6. Clea Herder dice:

    With the launching of bakkt, bitcoin is set to make a big upswing move and the hopes that the digital asset would reach $50,000 by 2022 is not farfetched anymore but very feasible. The blockchain technology is a blessing for those who takes advantage of its dynamics and invest right. I have been able to amass a very impressive number of bitcoins, a small portion by dollar cost averaging while the larger part of it by trading with Caleb Easterby’s signals. Crypto signals are trade suggestions or ideas for buying or selling a specific coin at a certain time and price and Caleb excels at generating them with extremely high accuracy. I know this because within 3 weeks of trading with his signals, I had made over 400% return on investment in bitcoins. He can be reached by mail (calebeasterby1190 @ gmailcom.) for his expert opinion on crypto related matters and signals of course

  7. Alex Sanchez dice:

    First point, the whales would always manipulate bitcoin so holding on for future would definitely be a disappointment. Secondly, you will never be able to invest at the very bottom of the fall because you are definitely going to miss it, what any smart investor should do is accumulate now and find a working system to use in expanding that portfolio over and over again until the bull run. I got 5 more BTC last month and now, with Ronald Abassid's signals and strategy, i have grown that to 11 BTC already and i intend adding another 3 BTC every other month and growing them so with this strategy, when bitcoin value eventually start skyrocketing, i would have had a very good stock in my portfolio. It is common knowledge that Ronald Abassid's signals and trade strategy are some of the best and speaking with him for the first time 2 months ago gave me a clearer understanding of how to make money and propelled me into this system of his that has really helped me in growing my portfolio. Feel free to contact Mr Ronald for assistance, reach on Email ronaldabassid@gmailcom

  8. Travis Tooze dice:

    BTC is not for payment, it is a store of value thats its utility! Digital gold!Xrp is for payment. Gold( BTC) will be exchanged into XRP or other cryptos for payments.

  9. I have watched tons of these tutorials and I am still watching to improve my technique but in the end the most valuable insight, I got from Harry Clark he’s really something else. Ever since I met Harry at the start of this month I have recorded almost $21000 gain. If you are really tired of losing and want more than just the boring fruitless tutorials then contact cryptoworld141@gmailcom
    telegramm @jonessmith14

  10. R James dice:

    Bitcoin and Łitecoin reward halving ‘supply shock’ coming down the track...🎢....🐳

    Last ‘round’ of halvings signaled the beginnings of 2015 - 2017 price surge!

  11. I have high hopes on GRAM (TON) token! This ICO showed improbable demand on graminfo.online

  12. I have no more hopes concerningBitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum. I am afraid that we will not see such a great growth related to these cryptocurrencies again 🙁 I bought Telegram 4000 tokens today gramnet. pro and now they are my only hope. People says that there will be a growth by 30 times and more)

  13. Everybody and everywhere write comments about GRAM tokens on gramton .net Today I bought 1625 tokens too; I hope I will earn some money after floatation)

  14. Robinhood is not available in my country what do i do please help

  15. Today they wrote in news that the open round of ICO directed by Pavel Durov gathered 75% of funds of in a couple of day’s saletoken.site

  16. monte'RRR RR dice:

    Let me tell you - it is high time to buy Gram from Telegram on gramwiki. info , I’ m asking because there are no more opportunities to earn on other cryptocurrency 🙁

  17. Ви Ка dice:

    Telegram opened a final round of ICO for casual users) Literally in couple of days they snapped up 85% of tokens. I succeeded to buy 2600 tokens gram-net .org

  18. Jamie Fagan dice:

    Is this another old video?

  19. Who was interested in ICO Telegram, the time is ripe for action; I give you the link gram-net. org

  20. I do not know for sure when Telegram coin will go to the exchanges. But I know precisely that these coins need to be bought already before hours on gramton. net

  21. Pavlo Bodo dice:

    I am death on the topic of popular coins and I have made the conclusion that the most perspective coin in 2019 will be GRAM (TELEGRAM) http://www.gramexchange.info/TON

  22. Забудьте о другом склепе! В этот момент сосредоточьтесь только на GRAM на gramexchange.site/, где будет происходить размещение!

  23. Mike S dice:

    Defend 10K! Keep pumpIng!

  24. Trying to learn how to invest in BTC. BTC in high $9K area at this time.. What exchanges are available to investors in USA ?
    Also some states in USA aren't allowing investment/transactions in crypto currency.

  25. Listen up! Telegram coin is ready for 95%, floatation and start are going to occur! Who did not manage to buy, I recommend you hurrying up and going on gramexchange.info

  26. Promptly, hurry up!!! Who did not manage to buy GRAM tokens earlier, you have the last possibility now, some more days on saletoken.pw now

  27. The time will come and GRAM coin will be in the TOP of 5 coinmarketcap! Buy them, while the going is good on http://www.gram-net.site/TON

  28. Powan Scotts dice:

    Since taking Rob’s lectures, I feel I am now making educated investment decisions. I have learned how to make good entry points, and how to exit with a profit, keeping my losses small. After many years of following what I believed to be good advice, I have now had my first profitable year. He has taught me how to overcome many of the mistakes made by most investors, including my banks advisor, that I had trusted. Looking back it’s almost as if I were trading blind, and now I see. I really didn’t think I could get to this stage in such a short time. Thanks Rob , you have changed my future, i will keep telling people about you. Contact him today on Telegram @Rob_marcos . Enjoy Trading!.

  29. George Moses dice:

    Dude are you a robot? This is the third video today. Damn son

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