Tabla de análisis técnico de Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin + ALTS 7/14/2019 por


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    26 Comentarios recientes

  1. Honestly Your videos are always informative with good contents always, keep up the good work brother. Meanwhile The trading market is constantly evolving with new features, many trading opportunities and financial swings with sudden surprises around every corner.The best thing is to stay in shape and more important, don’t let anything catch you on the wrong foot and never get too emotional. .Dani Thompson strategy allows for exit of trade prior to expiration, to take profits or avoid taking the maximum loss. I started with $2000 and I made back returns of $13,500 within 13days of intense trading. He guarantees profits payout, you can reach him on ( Danithompsoninc@gmail he'll be delighted to put you through his trading program.

  2. Don Rivera dice:

    After Donald Trump said that he is not a fan, Bitcoin will now make a lot of moves to the positive side. He can't control a money that is GLOBAL! Its going up now.

  3. Don Rivera dice:

    Bitcoin Bounce is near... Buy now to make thousands.

  4. Mike Skuthan dice:

    Duck triangle? Illuminati confirmed!

  5. The Fox dice:

    The duck triangle broke formation! Is that bearish??

  6. Gwahir dice:

    Sounding tense, man. Breath.

  7. Kenny dice:

    where is the bounce????

  8. savila1200 dice:

    Thanks for info on Link

  9. J Y dice:

    it's 10059 as of 9:37PM bounce...

  10. Rob Clay dice:

    A duck it :>) Thanks Dan

  11. Please donate here, any amount!



  12. bit Pickup dice:

    .. ohh nooo .. a lawn that isn't mown every day and a half! .. 🙂

  13. Doug N dice:

    curious why you chart the tether exchanges? why not USD?

  14. Great space Dan. Like the duck triangle too. Thank you my friend

  15. Thank you , you have taught me so much, and today, i just learned something new yet again.. 🙂 Im new to all this and can hardly wait to become a seasoned pro.. btw i still miss your one outro.. higher high, higher low, lower high, lower low.. or something like that.. Thanks again peace & Agape love

  16. Cryptocurrency certainly has my attention and I am very intrigued by all of it.

  17. Nordle dice:

    Hang those pictures up Dan - I'll send you some picture hooks if you need them

  18. Hort Stu dice:

    Dan, honest critique of your older videos please? Am i going to learn a lot about,not just your aggressive style but also the reasoning behind your actions, if i go watch your crypto videos from 2 years ago?

  19. bull breaks always seem the least likely, but that's why no one is hardly in one at the right time 🙂

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