Ni Letec ni Bitcoin venden en este mercado. ¡Próximos precios! LTC BTC Worth Information


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    11 Comentarios recientes

  1. Itz Myrace dice:

    Selling off assets at this point would be bad because it would be sold at a loss. Its just better to hold it. I am holding my Tokoin even though the prices are stable. Everyone is advised to hold.

  2. Ariel Oros dice:

    LTC creator SODL but the the idiot must HODL.. don't sell !!!

  3. once we see volume we'll all be very shocked

  4. Wizastudios dice:

    I know this channel is mostly LTC focused but is it possible to mention XRP or other alt coins? Maybe once a week or something?

  5. roadstar499 dice:

    I am expecting serious action in Btc and Ltc anytime now till Oct1st for sure...

  6. mj dice:

    You are misleading people we will be at 7.2k in two weeks. 100 percent grantee

  7. Eskwyr dice:

    BTC is in a classic descending triangle, not an ascending triangle. If you can't see: The base of the descending triangle at approximately 9330; the lower lows; and, the recent price action incapable of closing above the local highs of 10930 and 12330, as illustrated within my chart, then I can't say anything else.
    Hence, BTC will be breaking down from its descending triangle, soon.

  8. David Watts dice:

    Yes, higher prices will be coming. Bitcoin history has already shown that. But that doesn't mean that there can't be a big drop in price before the higher prices get here.

  9. Gary Carlson dice:

    The Cryptos haven't done anything lately Really Big but theres something huge coming for Cryptos.

  10. R James dice:

    Interesting recent update re part Łitecoin owned WEG Bank below 💵

    ·Aug 26
    Working out of a premium regulatory environment is one of our key assets. We announce that as of today we have secured full access to a crypto trading and custody license in Estonia and are equally applying for a securities trading and custody license in Germany.

  11. Barn Casino dice:

    BTC 10k area , excellent price to buy @. ...

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