Los signos de ruptura de Bitcoin, Ethereum y Litecoin aparecen en septiembre


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    38 Comentarios recientes

  1. Besides being persistent and always keeping faith in the blockchain technology, one major factor to making life changing gains from crypto is understanding the trends and working closely with it. Following the circle, the asset is headed for $13,000 and eventually $16,000 before the full blast of the bullish move and i am not taking chances by accumulating as much as i can while being guided by the professional aid (daily trade signals) of Brandon Gaston. Having bought just 2 btc at $8,200 and held a little i started trading using his signals and have grown my portfolio to over 10btc. A competent guide by all ramifications is all it takes to be a profitable trader and Weigle is one of such competent hands that has made an impact in the crypto spaces. He can be contacted on (( Gastonbrandonn @ gmail. com ))** for any crypto related assistance.

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  3. Dr. Rachel dice:

    counting how many "frankly" getting involved

  4. dROmania dice:

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  5. Joe Smith dice:

    Man, hand it to Nick. When many channels have gone meh during sideways action, Nick has consistently put out saucy vids. Not to be ignored.

  6. Tita Kita dice:

    Fools !
    Btc has value all the rest is garbage
    Run before this garbage still have some value
    From Insider

  7. Andrew Cloud dice:

    Yet another great video! Really enjoying your macro econ and stock talks. And thanks for shedding some light on ETH & LTC current position!

  8. OTown 530 dice:

    Litecoin leading the way soon other majors including btc will follow

  9. Hey Nick Kraken offers margin trading in the USA and has not been shut down yet... ; )

  10. IMO many are ignorant to what the US actually produces. The US produces very few complete products. Research everything you hold you think is made in America. I guarantee you will find it’s merely assembled here. News that China may be taxing our exports that they buy?? Id like to see a list of what the top items the Chinese buy from us. I’ll bet it’s 99% commodities.

  11. Love the sound advice on margin trading. very wise advice indeed. i'd like to buy you a meal when you come singapore. but let me know if you'd be open to it as you're a crypto celebrity. 😆

  12. Bitcoin has followed this pattern for sometime now:It dips and gets everyone scared then after retesting an old resistance several times, we wake up one day to see it has burst through. This may not mean its going to keep doing that but it spells out the fact that we all need to buy now and ride with the profit flow. Dollar cost averaging may not be the best way now to accumulate as its slow and expensive. Having traded previously and lost money i tried again after hearing about James Carlson and his system. He guides traders by providing trade signals which are so accurate i have made 9Btc in profit in just 3 weeks having started trading with just 2.1Btc. I think more crypto experts should do more like him to make an impact in other less seasoned traders. James can be contacted by Mail [email protected] to find out more about how you can start trading.

    WhatsApp +13365256978

  13. Simin Chai dice:

    What's your view on the junior mining sector with the rise of gold and silver price?

  14. MorayFirth dice:

    The rulers moved all business to china via congress for cheaper labor. how can Americans compete with the high cost of living here. we need deflation to equalize costs-then true trade on even playing field would work

  15. Martin Long dice:

    I think many are missing the real winner Silver and junior gold and silver mining stocks. EPIC!!!!!

  16. betzstump dice:

    Be prepared for a deep dip/fall in the stock market in September/October. It's end of fiscal year for government and lots of companies. If there is a slow down, it will show at end of year financials and once announced, will set the tone for the market this fall. Remember, 1929 Black Friday was in October, '87 Black Monday was in October, Lehman Bros fell in August and the market tanked in 2008 in September/October. This is when margins will be called and people selling to cover their asses, too.

  17. You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, crawling toward you.

  18. Michael dice:

    Nicholas, you are bullish on bitcoin in the midde to long term (4year cycle). Alessio Rastani, Bob Loukas, Andreas Antonopoulos etc. are also extremely bullish on the long term. Based on this, it would make sense to take a 4% interest loan now and invest it dollar cost average in the coming months. (not saying I will, but based on the overall btc trend, log chart, halving, 4y cycle,.. it might be a smart move). The only big « unknown/risk » is basically if recession will have a significant negative impact on btc. Thanks upfront for your reply

  19. Nick, love your channel, I am in the US can you recommend what I can use when Binance closes to US in September?

  20. Yasser dice:

    Signs of $Dusk breakout too?

  21. Alex Deme dice:

    Thanks dude, another informative video! I was wondering if you could share a little more, without it being financial advice of course, how to structure our Crypto portfolio. I'm about 65% BTC, 30% Alts and 5% Cash right now... These proportions might change with time as markets evolve. What is your take on that and also what is your view of services like Shrimpy that help rebalance your portfolio. Thanks man!

  22. Bi Nguyen dice:

    I see cup and handle on LTC, what do you think?

  23. A lot of countries are glad to see the US taking on China on IP theft, but unfortunately it hasn't stopped there. Globally the threat to markets is the constant back and forth and shifting comments about which countries tariffs will be applied against. The US has now threatened or applied tariffs against every single ally! One consequence of that is that global CapEx has virtually come to a halt. How can you know where to move your supply chain when you have no idea who the tariffs will be on next month?

  24. J. D. dice:

    I'm a fan of ETH and LTC but don't expect any real upside till BTC halvening profits flow back into alts... which might not happen till sometime in '20.

    No doubt there might be some weak attempts to break to the upside but not expecting much. ETH 2.0 is a LONG way away (and might not be successful) and LTC already had its halvening. Both are good long term holds(as far as anything can be in crypto) but personally I'm staying far far away from adding to both until I'm sure we are close to a reversal.

    I'm hoping Q4 is awesome but not holding my breath. The pain can continue for a lot longer.

  25. Imre Csoka dice:

    Hey man , sorry to hear you have issues with the season change or something cause its not easy speaking with a stuffy nose. I have the same crap.
    Funny thing is that i live in a more humid environment now and i thought it would be better but it seems to be the same or worse, perhaps the air here is not as clean as where i was before.
    sorry, so off-topic

  26. Ceban Ion dice:

    @datadash what about binance lending platdorm?! Why now ?! What îs their object ?!

  27. If you gonna swim the whales, you better be ready to swallowed up !!!

  28. LTC halvening was priced in before the halvening. I believe BTC will behave similarly.

  29. DITTO NICK, Hope YOU are having a GREAT DAY !!!! it's a little wet / cloudy here in Mississippi, but it's always a great day, if you hold a little bitcoin

  30. Juan Ramirez dice:

    Using the costumer as a bargaining chip in trade, in my opinion, is the wrong strategy because it brings financial pain at the individual level, but also - it has a double impact both on industry (farming) and deficit (28billion artificial revenue injection to farmers) and its leverage on the individual in the form on % payments to the overall national debt.

    Sure, as a country we hijos protect the interest of the nation, but not at the expense of its people just to protect the market share or stock price of multi national corporations.

    Policy was put in place for companies to make their profit from IP, tax policy was written to protect those earnings at the expense of investing in a robust educated workforce in the states - and now were seeing the effects of such policies.

    The tariffs strategy has backfired - and it will continue to get worse because leverage was use in the wrong way. Talk about getting the consumer and industry rekt.

  31. To me, BAT looks especially good right now.

  32. Walt Moore dice:

    no stock's for me this year just buying BTC dips

  33. john hancock dice:

    Litecoin has no developers... Definitely not touching it. Ethereum sounds good at its price.

  34. Walt Moore dice:

    Yes see the economy slowing down how much I dont know

  35. I heard a compelling argument based in historic records that the US engaged in a similar kind of IP theft which the US levels at China, when it comes to the 19 century, and the victim was Britain and Europe.
    Would be interesting to dive into this history to get some context.

  36. mark gergen dice:

    Yea I'm sorry, not sure why you are bullish on ETH or LTC. Both are not looking good at the moment...all depends on what BTC does tho.

  37. NEO-GAMING dice:

    Eth will shock everyone very soon 🚀🚀🚀

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