Litecoin ¡El próximo gran movimiento será enorme! La mitad puede explicarlo!


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Hayden Sherry
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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    26 Comentarios recientes

  1. Pastulio A dice:

    crappy prediction look at Litecoin today! AAARRRGG!!! yogi bear mode!

  2. Peter Dude dice:

    LoL, what a noob you are. And all your followers are lapping it up, LoL
    How about you chart your sh*tcoins against BitCoin and see how good they are.
    I guess your followers still need to lose more money before they realise how much u have fked them up.

  3. Great job Hayden, I agree with your analyses, thank you for what you give to the crypto community!

  4. Ariel Oros dice:

    Everyone bought litecoin expecting its price to go 2k or more because of the halving... but ltc does nothing it is only a promise. Its price might be under 1 usd very soon once halving hoax is unveiled.

  5. gladiator X dice:

    Doesn't seem that way. Bitcoin is rising allright

  6. Alex Motor dice:

    I’m seriously about to just sell my LTC. Starting to think all these alts are just distractions. I’m REALLY tired of holding LTC and having to watch myself make no money while BTC climbs 10%+ in one day. I’m way to over leveraged on this “asset”

  7. Charlie B. dice:

    Litecoin its going to the subway, 10 dolars Litecoin. Loosers!

  8. Charlie B. dice:

    Your videos all the same. Just only say what the people want to heard. What your inside want to heard. How many titles you put like this, ask to yr self? Good look! Unsubscribe.

  9. Nurse Dan dice:

    Thank you for the video!

  10. Tita Kita dice:

    LTC BTC ratio just FAILED below 0.01
    Watch it tanking to 0.005 in next 2-3 month , good way to loose all your precious Bitcoin for some pumped garbage
    from Insider

  11. Crypto moves and changes so fast that I kind of wish the more YouTube videos started with the exact time and date of posting. That way it’s easier to place the info against the current market activity.

  12. Cliff Camons dice:

    do a video with your shirt off

  13. Baby Angela dice:

    Thanks 😍 I bought 4 ltc last 6/9🤗🤗

  14. Eth going to proof of stake eventually too from what I've read..supposedly eth wants to become alot more scarce within the next few years going from 2 to .02 or .2 per block..

  15. Bro this titles getting old and boring LITECOINS NEXT HUGE MOVE IS COMING IS HERE HAHAHAHAHA even though I hold litecoin I can’t see it going no were after mr Charlie lee the mr smarty pants sold all his litecoin and told the whole world put people of litecoin why the hell would you publicly announce I’m selling all my litecoin when he really could have sold them and not tell no 1 on top of that he come out with the fact be ready for litecoin to drop to $20 my opinion litecoin will never reach its potential even though I like litecoin it’s just sad for all those who still believe litecoin will be landing on the moon at some point this year or the next or the next 🤪🤪

  16. R James dice:

    Keep up the good work 👌 It will be interesting to see if anything develops from the Warren Buffet lunch with Justin Sun (Tron) and Charlie Lee (Litecoin) at the end of July.

    Reminder OKEx sponsored Łitecoin Asian tour continues through July - Ref John Kim 77 twitter feed. - 🌎..🛸

  17. Mr. Khan dice:

    Nuthing is going to happen. Useless videos

  18. Lieke s dice:

    where can I buy that t shirt?

  19. Mr T dice:

    This guy is full of shit

  20. Huzzah-huzzah! At last public ICO tokens society of Telegram opened on http://www.tonmarket. info/coin-telegram

  21. Aeiou Y dice:

    Luke P is into litecoin wow

  22. Rob Allan dice:

    You’re sounding real tired today bud, get some rest

  23. John B dice:

    Litecoin is going to break the $140.00 Resistance level and head to $170.00

  24. Oh I'm ready for LTC and ETH. 🔥 Thanks for the video

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