ITBITCOIN ¿Es el tiempo de ejecución? predicción de precios de cbitcoin litecoin, análisis, noticias, comercio


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contenido Este contenido es solo para fines educativos y de entretenimiento. No soy un asesor financiero y este no es un asesor financiero. ¡Este mercado es muy arriesgado, entre, invierta o negocie bajo su propio riesgo! ............. ¡Disfruta! 🖐🖐🖐

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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    47 Comentarios recientes

  1. Crypto Savy dice:

    BTC: 1:24
    LTC: 10:34
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  2. Thank you, I really enjoy your content.
    Do you really see much price action with Litecoin? With Charlie lee off the project is there anyone continuing to work on it?
    I had some Litecoin but sold it before it dropped down again. Just wondering if it’s genuinely a good buy at the moment.
    Not financial advice of course lol

  3. wolf gang dice:

    Breakout in the next 7 days! Many will miss the rocket blast-off because their waiting on the sidelines w/cash to buy the crash!! LOL. I'll be taking profit at the top w/Crypto Savy!!

  4. Thank you Craig, excellent video! Very appreciative of all you do for the crypto community 🙏🏻❗️

  5. Randy Black dice:

    Time is Running Out . . . for $10k Bitcoin Buying Opportunity.
    Lambo . . . OR . . . Turn-Key Property . . . OR . . . Wander the Desert .

  6. Walt Moore dice:

    yes LTC has hit its bottom

  7. Walt Moore dice:

    Hay crypto savy check out Halo and zcash there is sum news about a new brake threw on there block chain but i do not under stand it to tell you see what you can find thanks

  8. Awesome video's as always 👌


  10. Tech Knewz dice:

    How come u don’t compare to gold price anymore ?

  11. Rej Parent dice:

    Congrats to Eugene on the beautiful BTC sign! Thank you CS for the daily update!

  12. rcarleton77 dice:

    Hey man thanks for your hard work I'm just starting out in the crypto market and your analysis have helped me understand quite a bit. Thanks again!!

  13. MOB dice:

    First time here, I like, I sub👍
    Over 10k congrats, Keep going 👍

  14. BOSTON dice:

    Liked it!⭐️⭐️⭐️

  15. Let's smash out of that ginormous bull flag!!

  16. Gary Carlson dice:

    Thats what you want the cup and Handle effect.

  17. Andy Jack dice:

    You Rock Savyyyyyy!!!! Comoooooon!!!!

  18. Smurf Herder dice:

    Everyone remember to take time off from cryptos to enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

  19. I like your channel.i have been watching your every video from 6 months.its very helpful for me .

  20. Gary Carlson dice:

    Whats up Buddy great video.

  21. Cryptoranium dice:


  22. Droedelzak dice:

    Youre running out of titles 😀

  23. Thank You for the Sunday positiveness.......I'm rooting for LiteCoin and Bitcoin

  24. Here is my random comment. Good luck everyone! Oh, I can save you shipping and I live in Traverse City

  25. Al dice:

    Thank Crypto Savy for taking time to make these video every day!!!

  26. Awesome update CS. Keep em coming!

  27. drew drew dice:

    How much are the signs and how can i purchase 1

  28. Winner Winner chicken dinner! Good luck to all.. Just started video!! Hope it's me!!

  29. Paulbear32 dice:

    Morning Savy, thanks for the vid this morning!

  30. Imtooslow !! dice:

    I feel fortunate to have found this channel. By far the best TA out there. Thx for helping us out and not charging us. Says a lot about who you are as a person 🙏🙏

  31. Kawhead dice:


  32. Always the best TA on YT give him a follow & on twitter

  33. the hog dice:

    keep up the hard work savy, we appreciate it !

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