Inversores LITECOIN y BITCOIN. Estás siendo guiado! Invoice Gates, cubano, multimillonario


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Verifique ABRA e invierta fácilmente en 28 criptomonedas o BIT10, que es un indicador de la criptografía más alta. Use mi enlace para inscribirse y obtener una moneda Bitcoin de $ 25 free of charge después de su primer depósito bancario / AMEX, o un reembolso del 1.5% al ​​intercambiar criptografía (se aplican términos y condiciones):

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Cartera de Litecoin: LP5bgbTYYqDa1D3dqcXYGydfmVcrL5XpZE
Cartera de Bitcoin: 1EVBijoL3GV9AMKMYkvBZGu8wuBfWtetWA

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Hayden Sherry
4599 Redman Highway
Brockport Nueva York, 14420
Estados Unidos de América

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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    11 Comentarios recientes

  1. Gerardo Luna dice:

    I would like yo have your opinion about XRP!

  2. Ariel Oros dice:

    LMNBE0S -> Litecoin might not be even 0 usd soon.

  3. SgtSmugleaf dice:

    the big boys are just shorting the coins so they can accumulate. nothing to see here :^)

  4. Joseph Frank dice:

    They’re scared, it undermines their globalist plans. They need currency they can control, if it’s on a blockchain it’s probably more fair than fiat, and they hate that.

  5. R James dice:

    Reminder that Łitecoin just added to Sofi (Social Finance) app in USA with just BTC and ETH.

    Next Łitecoin NFL 🏈 game against Washington Redskins 🏇🏻In 2 weeks time. Łitecoin name up in lights yet again.

    Let’s also hope David Schwartz can reactivate the NBA Milwaukee Bucks 🏀 deal, after Banks forced ‘The Bucks’ to pull out .......for now.

  6. L P dice:

    Did you say Fibonacci is only used in stocks and doesn't work with crypto?? I don't think you should be charting, stick to just reporting the news.

  7. Thanks for the update mate 🙂

  8. DJ Valence dice:

    Great info! Thank you!

  9. Zule dice:

    So it can either go up or down or stay the same. Thank you for clarifying that with all your charts. 🙄 BTW all 3 men you talked about are multi billionaires and they were talking about crypto’s because they were being asked about them in an interview sheesh

  10. Kathy Pease dice:

    Bill Gates Dirty Tricks in Burkina Faso and Nigeria

  11. N/ A dice:

    everyone watching this, every living person actually needs to watch this movie. "JFK to 911 everything is a rich man's trick" 3.5 hours, if it's not, it's not the real one. once you watch this, you'll see everything in the world more clearly and be able to make better decisions for yourself. all the men mentioned in this video are part of this, period.

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