¡DESCANSO DE COBITCOIN ESTA SEMANA! 🚀bitcoin litecoin pronóstico de precios, análisis, noticias, comercio


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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    23 Comentarios recientes

  1. Crypto Savy dice:

    BTC: 1:06
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  2. MM M001 dice:

    I don’t think that Bitcoin gonna go too much lower. It’s going to trade within the range. Too much time and money has been invested. If it goes too low people will lose confidence and their screwed. The only people that will trade it will be the bots. Bitmans New miners sold out in seconds. I bought BTC at $1660 in July 2017. I don’t care what the damn thing does

  3. Cory Rutland dice:

    You still believe litecoin will be 500 to 1000 eoy ? Just scooped up a bag

  4. wolf gang dice:

    I agree with the numbered cycle chart! I think you maybe VERY RIGHT ABOUT BREAKING OUT TODAY!
    I think FOMO is going to to get so out of control we we don't stop at 20K...

  5. Excellent analysis Craig, always such a great job, thank you 🙏🏻!

  6. Joshua James dice:

    Thanks for the update as always Savy !!
    Going to be a lot of bears fomo soon!!

  7. Led Robster dice:

    As soon as all the indicators show a breakout to the upside is imminent, whales and/or exchanges will dump just like they have the last 5 times.

  8. many big names are saying in next few days we are dropping off to 7-8 k . as much as it would be a great buying opportunity, we need to see a moonshot for those to believe in the power of BTC

  9. MACD isn't looking good on the 4 hour, the RSI is oversold which is slightly bullish, I think a move to the downside is in order, which ultimately would be a good thing as there is substantial money waiting @ 8400 - the resulting momentum would be enough to push BTC through the 11k resistance and onward to 15k

  10. Daily Post dice:

    9800 is around the corner. Then 11200 for sure!

  11. BRAD FAYLOR dice:

    If it hits 16k by October then I think there a 33 percent chance we see 46k this year

  12. mike dmann dice:

    You always give great T/A. Thankz for the weekend update.

  13. roadstar499 dice:

    If it plays out like you say it will in next 3.5 months it will be Happy trails again for many wrecked investors...

  14. roadstar499 dice:

    lets say btc hits 1 million dollars in 3 years....what price point do you see LTC? thanks

  15. BRAD FAYLOR dice:

    What are your views on eth and xpr...best to just buy bitcoin right

  16. gregory orr dice:

    I am always wondering if these chart formations are natural/organic, or carefully orchestrated by the big players? So THEY always win!?

  17. David Krug dice:

    I hope the length and depth of this dip period means that we don't go as deep and long in the next dip period as gold did. Or that I manage to swingtrade that one and load up more. 😉

  18. Kawhead dice:

    All the best to you and your mom!! Another fantastic reassuring video. 💥🇺🇸🐂🐂🐂

  19. Zach Smolka dice:

    Your mic sounds great! All your views/ideas are highly regarded! Much respect Savy and thank you for your continuous dedication to this space.

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