¡BITCOIN sale! 8% bomba enorme! El | Altcoin DOOM | ¡BTC, la mejor forma de dinero!


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1:01 Bitcoin
5:25 BTC dominación
8:58 ¡Las noticias!
9:42 Isla Yap y Ray Stone

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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    20 Comentarios recientes

  1. The Moon dice:

    🔥Deposit 0.2 BTC & receive $110 FREE On Bybit: 🔥► https://www.bybit.com/app/register?ref=l2RA6
    Blockchance Conference: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/blockchance-conference-hamburg-2019-tickets-52255583858
    RETWEET MY TWEET: https://twitter.com/themooncarl/status/1158275641420210177
    1:01 Bitcoin
    5:25 BTC Dominance
    8:58 NEWS!
    9:42 Island Of Yap & The Rai Stones

    ► Bybit Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dnIDz1NLuw
    ► BitMEX Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFjedID1wnc

    Support Me Via Affiliate Links?

    Bybit Leverage Trading: Deposit 0.1 BTC & Receive $50 FREE!
    ► Bybit: https://www.bybit.com/app/register?ref=l2RA6

    BitMEX Leverage Trading With 10% Discount On Fees Via My Link:
    ► BitMEX 10% Off: https://www.bitmex.com/register/NJu3r0

    Protect your privacy with the VPN I use:
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    Use code "themoon" for 75% off & 1 month free!!

    The charting program I use:
    ► Tradingview: https://tradingview.go2cloud.org/SH2gX

    Buy Over 400 Altcoins On Binance:
    ► Binance: https://www.binance.com/?ref=11069112

    I'm earning BAT tokens using the Brave Browser, try it here:
    ► Brave Browser: https://brave.com/the406

    [IMPORTANT] Secure your crypto with a Ledger hardware wallet:
    ► Ledger: https://www.ledger.com?r=f988

    I don't accept donations, use that money to invest in yourself instead! So if you want to support me, use any of the affiliate links above, also leave a like & SUBSCRIBE, that's completely free. Thank you very much!

    Follow me on social media:
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  2. Nate Jay dice:

    Alts are outperforming BTC now XTZ up 80 percent, ETH up 70 percent against BTC and many other Alts.

  3. In zis video, my EMA is DOA, and if you think this sounds interesting...

  4. Carl, I do have a question about third Party.. I did not download the QT for bitcoin.. so basically I am using a 3rd party wallet? is there a way that I can have a wallet not owned by a 3rd party?

  5. Mate you are gr8!!!, plz keep uploading more videos

  6. Meeshka Bear dice:

    So Carl, are you putting in a sell option then when BTC hits $12K ?

  7. MrDj dice:

    we should look at the preice of altcoins in btc value not in usd value!

  8. Dude, there’s no wind on the moon.

  9. Itzwow dice:

    Bitcoin is a fucken trash ponzi run by the ultimate elites... fuck their New World Order garbage marketplace controlled and manipulated by trash bots.. fuck binance and their garbage shit coin listings also fuck bitcoin

  10. Will Rod dice:

    CARL, THIS IS IMPORTANT. the bottom green line at 7k can lineup a bit with the double bottom at 9k, forming a kind of triangle.
    Also, I think the bottom line of the “decending” wedge should be put upwards so it touches the two wicks from the double bottom. This would make an ascending wedge.

    Great TA by the way. You are my favorite crypto YouTuber. 😉

  11. viviann napp dice:

    Keep up the great work.

  12. buy utility company stocks, electricity generation... u need it for bitcoin

  13. L K dice:

    alt coin pumped happened towards the end of bull run ...thats also when BTC dominance began to drop significant...so talking at the start of the bullrunn..that altcoins are shit...is bad information .

    Btc will be store of value, while other crypto are not..still a good time to buy altcoins.

    Honestly LTC or ETH etc didn't start at 10$ or 40$....look where they are now...you simply cannot disregard that BTC has a headstart of years, but that in itself is not a argument to state alt coins won't boom.
    Altcoins have the ability to 100-500x because of the low market cap still....and thats was also the case with BTC if we go back 7 years ago..
    Don't make the same mistake with altcoins as you did with BTC..better buy now and see within 8 years..then to wait 5 years and buy like you buying BTC now at 10k...be wise and smart

  14. Fun TV dice:



  15. You are only forgetting 1 thing. And that is power. The country's has the power to enforce the main currency. The USA even has the power to enforce it on oil ect. Power is economical power but aslo the army and other alliances in any form.

  16. Faun Fun dice:

    Carl what do you use except changelly? I need to compare the fees.
    Maybe make the video about it?

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