Altcoins a punto de explotar? ¡El mejor análisis de todos!


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Litecoin - LXBB6SsXRE4ESFucHUuhK65X86UwUjt2i7
Bitcoin - 1GVNDPQoMzv3XqThzyrVS8Bt3tc12xy4v7
Ethereum - 0x5E0d7F06a765aB76DD8B9b547086D231Df0aEDd7
Sprint - XjcsAn9fLmUhirbVfM8BqjBiv8WskhkYyY
Vertcoin - VbQdtZ5vQhAh1RZV37q8WD3s1t6rjjmogu

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(Ahorre $ 10)

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Julio Martinez

Soy un apasionado por la tecnología blockchain y el ecosistema cripto, Me dedicoa analizar y escribir sobre las últimas tendencias en criptomonedas, finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) y activos digitales y mi objetivo es educar e informar a la comunidad sobre las oportunidades y desafíos del mundo cripto.

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    27 Comentarios recientes

  1. A Pimms Life dice:

    Carson, we've all rebelled against Jeffery and made a group without him. come back friend! our doors are always open! CryptoCampus 2.0! -

  2. T dice:

    Lol. The difference is that people are too smart to fomo into sh!tcoins in 2019. Wake up.

  3. Nestor C dice:

    very interesting Carson, thanks very much for this very clear analysis!

  4. Led Robster dice:

    Carson, does this still hold true?

  5. I see altcoin dominance dropping down to somewhere between 20-28%. You're trendline can easily be adjusted to match your feelings on this chart. If using the last 3 dips instead of skipping one like you did, we are going down to 28% with a December alt season which is more realistic and lines up with past Alt seasons. If you aren't viewing in Log, then we can drop to 20% dominance and at that point, this chart is irrelevant for the time being because you can't determine when next alt season takes place.

  6. For those interested. Here is the chart:

  7. Nice Shot dice:

    I need BCH back to 4k! 😁

  8. Med Hedo dice:

    I couldn’t find this chart could you please tell me how i can find this chart in TradingView

  9. For some people, trading cryptocurrency is seen as an investment opportunity but there is an alarming proportion of people who are ‘gambling’ on these cryptocurrency markets as they would gamble on horses or sports or slots. And it has the potential to get them into significant trouble which further fuels the notion that crypto is extremely risky to invest in. You can't simply beat the market without having the right skill set as well as the stringent ability to not only read the news and charts but to create a strategy and work with it. Abiding by these simple rules will definitely make the difference between winning and losing as a trader and/or investor. There are a few mentors you can actually follow who would guide you and show you how to use a working strategy backed with great signals. I personally follow Paul Bradely and the benefit has been immensely great with me realizing profits of at least 400% on my bitcoins which I was previously HODling and losing money on every single day. My suggestion, especially to newbies and intermediates is to find someone like him and follow him religiously. His contacts are * * (paulbradely1 @ Gmail. com) WhatsApp***+447480724121. just in case you need some help with crypto trading and I am able to share his contact because I use his system and it has always been very productive for me.

  10. Gregor dice:

    please link for this chart

  11. MAROCCANO1 dice:

    How did you get this chart on trading view ?

  12. Mina Dimyan dice:

    Lol, one day you'll be right hedge

  13. Gains City dice:

    When will altseason start?

  14. Do u have also an update of btc

  15. Tits McTits dice:

    good looks bro you're the first person to introduce me to TA my life changed forever you are a G

  16. Lin Vann dice:

    Please do. More updates on this

  17. Led Robster dice:

    Excellent analysis. We're living in exciting times my friends. Worse case scenario, we're gonna make some serious $

  18. The Bugle dice:

    looks more like altcoins are ready to get crushed for good

  19. Moorsc0de dice:

    chart looks wonky... inaccurate
    Ya if you take that chart off LOG.. ALTS have a bit more to go on the downside Hedge...

  20. Moorsc0de dice:

    Yo son..where u get that chart from??? Who made it?

  21. Till Man dice:

    You should have said it can't go above 100% about fifty more times. I mean surely nobody got it first 7 times you said it.

  22. I normally use BTC.D in tradingview, thanks for showing me another chart.
    Btw, your contrarian view on alts might be correct, also risk/reward is very good on the long side specially if picking right the ones will perform the best!
    Lot of coins will die though, better invest carefully, this alt boom might be quite different than the 2017 bubble

  23. Eplemos4Life dice:

    Saltseason 2019-2022. Rip traders. Hail king btc.

  24. Ben Springer dice:

    DigiByte is going to explode to the upside in the coming weeks 😎

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