Al comprar Altcoins para enormes devoluciones

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🧡💛💙💚 My wife is always sleeping over her friend Joe's house on saturday night .. but watching TradeGenius videos helps me stay ontop of my Crypto investments and hope for a better future 🧡💛💙💚
whats ur fav color?
Do you still like NEO?
Apollo will outdo all other altcoins, buy at bitmart, sit tight and BOOM
"...wishing you had just held". Yup, that's why I'm still hanging onto my alts, as painful as it has been. Wish I was more able to spend a lot more time on trading than I do. I think that's what gets me into the most trouble. Looking forward to Hawaii. Not 100% yet, but looking good.
ethos? ufr?
I think people are sick of waiting so long to see so many alts actually have any real world use and in some cases not even having a working product. So much hype and not enough delivery
Hi Phil,
How to best preper for alt season? which projects in your opinion deserve most attention ? thank you in advance
interesting times
If Btc drops to 5-6k over the next few weeks/months what happens to alts?
Thank you Phillip!!!
Do indicators really mean anything on a dominance chart? Do people trade the dominance charts?
Thanks again
What are your thoughts or if you can discuss BCH n zec.. appreciate and love your content
I'm hoping that TRX will ride the hype long enough to moon at least once. None of my other alts are doing sh*t.
Majority of Altcoins are shitcoins...Majority of shitcoins 99% will go away. Including Cripple XRP and Bcash A.K.A Btrash. Every body thinks their shit coin is it......that is why majority will fail. Tradable but very risky!
You only buy when the RSI is under 30 ?
Dumb question but do you think $15 EOS is possible within the next year ?
Hi Phil,
Can you let me know the difference between the Crypto signals bundle (Summer Special #1) and the money maker bundle (Summer Special #2)?
All I am interested in is the money maker signal software I don't need anything else.
Current alt holdings: LTC, BAT, ZRX, ADA, FTM, EOS, FSN....considering HPB and SOUL
Thanks Phil!
Phil you familiar with FTM? Looks to be an excellent project.
AltCoins will do well AFTER the BTC halving you post Aug 2020.
That’s all you need to know? All this talk is bs
Altcoins will bottom this month hands down
👍 cheers Phil ...
What is Money maker? Is it indcator, how to find? Thanks!
Cant wait!!
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