Cardano Future Marks Bullrun incluye un nuevo saldo utilizando la cadena de bloques ADA para confirmar la originalidad
En este episodio de apalancamiento de cifrado, discutimos un nuevo equilibrio del uso de #Cardano Blockchain para confirmar la autenticidad del producto, por lo que estamos discutiendo la tecnología Biytcoin y Blockchain, así como las recientes ventas de Bitcoin que hemos visto al negociar Bitcoin a una transferencia de $ 8,000. .
Best opportunity’s NOW in my opinion ADA. BSV. LINK.
As dick chuck gives new balance free use of the blockchain we paid for
So they use the blockchain but not ada...woop shit
what do think about Bitcoin 2 ? (BTC2)
Great content 👍
I personally love ADA I think the ability to code using a common coding language will open the floodgates to the blockchain Development world. My devs are highly excited for the future of Cardano and regardless of the price the potential is amazing.
Thank you for the time you put into making this
Cardano is my largest holding I’m excited yet very pessimistic
They’ve chosen Cardano over Vechain? Interesting 🧐
New balance are huge globally the advertisement from this alone will be huge well done cardano
I hope it goes lower so I can buy a whole bitcoin
well umm yeah you know bitcoin oh i mean uhm blockchain and cardano no ummm yeah umm umm but you know hmmm umm blockchain techno ummm logy
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